Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Binge Drinking Is An Amount Of Time - 1091 Words
Binge drinking could be identified into various definitions or how would an individual interpret it. As for s for college students would define it as a way to drink non-stop, just for fun, or excessively drinking until drunk. Binge drinking can be interpreted in a scientific form, like NIAAA defines binge drinking as a pattern of drinking that brings blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels to 0.08 g/dL. This typically occurs after 4 drinks for women and 5 drinks for menâ€â€in about 2 hours. (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism). It would overheat between both gender, males and females as to how is alcohol being consumed in an amount of time. Researchers came to a conclusion, what binge drinking is being defined as to how much alcohol is being consumed, variables towards it, cause and effect, and etc. Furthermore, on to the text, would provide how studies can be tested/experienced to get the given information one is seeking for. Study designs, are procedures on how an individual would engage to gather their data. There are two types of design studies, one is the cross-sectional approach and a longitudinal study approach. The cross sectional approach is a study based on observations representing a single point in time. In comparison, with a longitudinal approach would be a study design that involves in collecting data at different points in time. On my own perspective, would like to access by collecting my data through longitudinal study. To get a betterShow MoreRelatedBinge Drinking On College Campuses1459 Words  | 6 PagesMr. Paul October 28, 2014 Binge Drinking On College Campuses Over the past few years, there has been this big debate about whether the drinking age should be lowered to 18 or if it should stay at 21. Those in favor of lowering the drinking age to 18 argue that someone who is old enough to serve their country should be allowed to have a drink. Those who are in favor of keeping the minimum legal drinking age at 21 because of consequences regarding psychological developmentRead MoreAccording To â€Å"College Drinking,†Almost Two Out Of Three1388 Words  | 6 PagesAccording to â€Å"College Drinking,†almost two out of three college students engage in binge drinking. Binge drinking is a pattern of drinking that brings blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels to 0.08 g/dL or higher (â€Å"College Drinking†). Many parents, guardians, and psychologists believe that college students binge drink because they think drinking is an integral part of their higher education. Similar to peer pressure, college students drink because the rest of the student body drinks. FurthermoreRead MoreCause Effect of Binge Drinking Essay1247 Words  | 5 Pagesunplanned sexual activity all have in common? They are all frequent results of binge drinking by college students. On a typical Friday or Saturday night you can find the average college student out drinking and having fun. Normally partying with friends at a party, bar, or club; most of these college students are underage consuming excessive amounts of alcohol, or as its better known, â€Å"binge drinking.†The term binge drinking is defined as the consumption of five or more drinks in a row by men and fourRead MoreBinge Drinking On College Campuses1536 Words  | 7 PagesDr. Yacob Ali 30 November 2015 Binge Drinking on College Campuses Approximately four out of five college students drink alcohol ( Although alcohol does not have immediate negative effects, over consumption can lead to serious consequences. For example, 1,825 college students between the ages of 18 and 24 die each year from alcohol-related unintentional injuries ( alcohol-related injuries and accident are a result of binge drinking. The National Institute on AlcoholRead MoreEffects Of Binge Drinking On Children960 Words  | 4 PagesThere is a lot of support and treatment for binge drinking. Organisations such as Alcohol know your Limits and like a drink. These organisations provide support and advice to people who are suffering with binge drinking. They provide useful information about alcohol and what each genders drinking guidelines is. In addition they also provide information on the long and short term effects of binge drinking on an individual both physical and mental. Furthermore they have hotlines that people can callRead MoreUnderage Drinking Is Part Of The Culture Of College1734 Words  | 7 PagesBy the time high school students are seniors around 70 percent of students have had alcohol and the number will increase more as they begin college (IUPUI). With being in college one thing that I did discover is that underage drinking is part of the culture in college, also the friends that I had in high school who are 21 now I have discovered they drink some of the least amount now. Which has begun to make me wonder why people who are 21 drink less than people who are underage. I believe thatRead MoreEffects Of Binge Drinking On College Campuses1202 Words  | 5 Pages1997, binge drinking has increased each year (Wechsler, Lee, Kuo. 2010). Binge drinking is no stranger to San Jose State University as well as college campuses nationwide (Police Department, n.d.). Binge drinking has been on epidemic on college campuses and continues to grow over the course of time with alarmi ng numbers of incidents that occur while under the influence. Since binge drinking is common on most college campuses, about 60% of students nationwide have stated that they have binge drankRead MoreBinge Drinking vs the Drinking Age Essays829 Words  | 4 Pages2013 Binge Drinking VS the Drinking Age Presidents of college campuses around the nation face issues of underage drinking and binge drinking on a regular basis and realizes that it is a danger and a problem. â€Å"Alcohol consumption is the third leading cause of death in the U.S., a major contributing factor to unintentional injuries, the leading cause of death for youths and young adults, and accounts for an estimated 75,000 or more deaths in the United States annually†(Wechsler 2010). Binge drinkingRead MoreWhy Lower the Legal Drinking Age?801 Words  | 3 Pageslower the drinking age below 21 lose 10% of their annual federal highway appropriations (Haevens). This is the main reason the legal drinking age has not been lower below 21 years of age.a large number of the general population desires a lower drinking age. In the 25 years since the legal drinking age was set at 21, seven states have tried to lower it. (Wechsier ).It is unfair for the federal government to withhold money from states if they exercise their rights to set the legal drinking age to whatRead MoreBinge Drinking on College Campuses Essay992 Words  | 4 PagesBinge Drinking on College Campuses High school is over and it is your first time away form home, what are you going to do? The typical college student wants to party! Of the people that were surveyed over half believed that the legal drinking age should be lowered. [O’Kane 1] The legal age to drink in the United States is now 21 years old; college freshman, sophomores, and some juniors are not of the legal age to drink. This causes a problem on many campuses; several students are experiencing
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Health Insurance Exchanges Essay - 997 Words
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act stipulates that all states must have a health insurance exchange in place by 2014 or the residents of that state will have the option to enroll through a federal health insurance exchange. A health insurance exchange aims to provide competitive prices and transparency to those who are currently unable to afford health care coverage and for some businesses. It is seen as a step towards universal health coverage. [1] A predecessor of the health insurance exchange as outlined but the PPACA is the exchange in Massachusetts, which is entitled the Connector. Connector provides information on name brand health insurance options as well as information on Commonwealth Care, the no or low cost health†¦show more content†¦However this was adjusted to have individual state health insurance exchanges and if one is not put into place by 2014 the residents would still have the option to use the federal health insurance exchange. There was c oncern that with the smaller health insurance exchanges that there would be smaller risk pools of eligible people for the exchanges and the targeted effect of lower costs would not be obtained. With the individual states owning control of the exchanges there is better connection to the Medicaid options that would be connected to the exchange and the negotiations with the insurance companies could be more effective as well. [1] When thinking about how one currently attempts to shop for a personal health care plan it is frustrating to jump from website to website, or if one can find a site that compares more than one plan the plans are limited and the companies are few. The FAQ on the health insurance exchange from the White House explains the exchanges as â€Å"It is one-stop shopping that will enable you and your family to find a plan that is right for you.†[5] The transparency that each health insurance plan will haveShow MoreRelatedHealth Insurance Exchange Essay1290 Words  | 6 Pageschanges in the country’s health care system. The goal of the Affordable Care Act is reduction of the number of uninsured individuals and health care expenses. Some call the reform unconstitutional, some fear inefficient implementation will lead to the opposite of the anticipated health care cost reduction. According to Kaiser Health Tracking Poll 29% of Americans have very unfavorable opinion of the hea lth reform law compared to only 18% with very favorable attitude (See Health Data, 2010-2011). TheRead MoreHealth Insurance Exchanges ( Hix )2244 Words  | 9 Pages HEALTH INSURANCE EXCHANGES Health insurance exchanges (HIX) are the marketplaces which are established based on the Affordable Care Act provides customers at an individual level or to small businesses, health insurance which they can compare and purchase from private insurance companies. Individuals can make use of the state level exchange depending on one’s state residence or can purchase insurance from a federally facilitated exchange which is accessible at websiteRead MoreThe Health Insurance Exchange Is Not Working Essay1934 Words  | 8 PagesThe health insurance exchange is not working. The premiums of the insurance plans offered on Covered California have increased by 25% leaving me with no affordable options. When the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) was first implemented, there were months of advertisements about the advantages of Covered California, California’s state run health insurance exchange. The health insurance exchange is a purchasing pool that was supposed to increase access to affordable health insuranceRead MoreIntroduction Of As A Health Insurance Exchange Website1582 Words  | 7 PagesThe Introduction of Introduction is a health insurance exchange website operated under the United States federal government under the provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA, often known as Obamacare ), designed to serve the residents of the thirty-six U.S. states that opted not to create their own state exchanges. The exchange facilitates the sale of private health insurance plans to residents of the United States and offers subsidies to thoseRead MoreThe On The Public Option1368 Words  | 6 Pagescheaper than private insurance it would erode the insurance business and eventually put them out of business. Many have argued any public option using the government’s power to negotiate would be unfair competition and ultimately put the private insurers out of business, which is true in theory. The government gas significant control over the cost of provider services and like what happens with Medicare, can dictate the price they pay to providers which is an advantage the insurance marketplace doesRead MoreThe Affordable Care Act : Mnsure ( State Of Minnesota )1058 Words  | 5 Pages Minnesota Health Insurance Exchange (MNsure) John Huddle 2 November 2015 Project: The Affordable Care Act – MNsure (State of Minnesota) Type: IT (Information Technology) Introduction In March 2010, the US President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into the law which was proposed to provide health insurance services to more American peoples by reducing health costs. The Affordable Care Act endorsed states to set up health insurance â€Å"exchanges†to register peopleRead MoreThe Biggest Software Disasters1159 Words  | 5 PagesUS healthcare system. is a health insurance exchange website that was created as a result of this law. The objective of the website is to create a marketplace of health insurance companies and facilitate the sale of private health insurance plans to residents. Subsidies are offered to residents who fall below the federal poverty line. The website also helps residents to sign up for Medicaid and allow small business to offer health insurance to their employees. There were a number ofRead MoreCase Study : The Health Insurance System2366 Words  | 10 PagesAlex D Kim 67-371 Assignment #1 Summary The website was launched on October 1st, 2013. The system was designed to sell health insurance to residents of states that have not opted to make their own health insurance exchange system; however, the project was deemed a failure on the day it launched. The users experienced long wait times and the entire website became unusable. The combination of lack of communication, lack of understanding of technology, and premature publishing causedRead MoreHealthcare Policy Analysis Essay1292 Words  | 6 Pagesfinally happening!We get to manage our own health care .Our issues with Healthcare and insurance is finally looking up in a positive way .Finding a doctor wont be such a hassle nor will it be someone else telling you who you have to pick . Insurance wont be so high and even has made it possible to carry insurance without it breaking our pockets each month .This new way of insurance marketing is a great idea . I feel this will save our pockets and cost of health care can finally go down .The facts areRead MoreRisk Pooling in Health Care1670 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿ Risk Pooling in Health Care Finance Kiran Charania April 26, 2012 Risk pooling is a mechanism where revenue and contributions are pooled so that the risk of having to pay for health care is not borne by each contributor individually. Risk pooling is a form of risk management practiced by the health industry especially insurance companies. While risk pooling is necessary for insurance to work, not all risks can be effectively pooled. Pooling risks together allows the costs
Monday, December 9, 2019
Doctor Dolittle Theatre Review Essay Example For Students
Doctor Dolittle Theatre Review Essay Along with my year eleven drama group I attended the opening night of the Manchester Palace Theatre professional production Dr Dolittle. The trip took place on Monday 5th November and featured Tommy Steele; a relatively famous actor. The production was based on the books written by Hugh Lofting rather than the Hollywood film featuring Eddie Murphy; yet the novel was adapted for the stage and re-written by Lesley Bricas. Through having only watched the Hollywood film and not experiencing the original version I had some preconceptions which were extremely incorrect. I had expected a more classic and sophisticated musical rather than a larger than life, pantomimesque melodrama! This brings me to a comparison with another production I previously saw at the venue; it was named One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest a more convincing and emotional piece, I shall use the production as a brief contrast to Dr Dolittle highlighting its strengths in order to emphasize the aspects in Dr Dolittle that could be improved. The onstage production of Doctor Dolittle is an amalgam of overacting berserk ideas it casts larger than life characters, extravagant costumes and a very clever use of the stage; this combined creates a fun; ridiculous, yet entertaining musical! Despite being written in the 1930s and 1940s Hugh Lofting set his novel in the Victorian era. Placed against the backdrop of the conservative, prudish Victorian characters the ideas seem even more ridiculous; the novelist had no political agenda he simply had a farfetched and eccentric humor that resulted in the creation of some extremely entertaining novels. The Dr. Dolittle novel in particular was greatly inspired by the writers adoration for animals he imputed into this an immeasurable abundance of his vivid imagination which brought alive the storyline itself. The plot concerns Mr. Dolittle, an extraordinary and eccentric Doctor who cares more about animals than his human patients! The Doctor lives in the country with his dog, Jip, his parrot Polynesia, his pig, GubGub, his duck, DabDab, his monkey, CheeChee, and an owl, TooToo. He soon discovers through Polynesia that it is indeed possible to communicate with animals! Polynesia teaches him for years the languages of several animals enabling him to interact with hundreds of various species. One of these many species is the lobster, he decides to learn this language in order to communicate with the undersea creatures; he wants to do so because he plans a voyage across the ocean in search of the Giant Sea snail! He planned also that on his voyage he would discover the North Pole, the simple fact that at this period of time the North Pole was not yet discovered by anyone was in-keeping with the unrealistic nature of the play; we were indeed forced to suspend reality! Before he could venture off he needed make enough money to fund his voyage, through this some adventures in themselves are createdhe becomes friends with a one of a kind animal the Pushmi-pullyu a peculiar looking beast with two heads! Following this there are many obstacles in his way, some of which being his prison sentence and an overpowering shipwreck! Despite this he finally finds what he seeks! Though the doctors interaction with animals is the main theme there is another key element upon which the play centers; this being his developing relationship with the young lady Miss Fairfax their connection is one that certainly proves opposites do attract! The pair seem worlds apart yet are drawn together by their differences. The play ends on an exceedingly unrealistic note, the doctor travels to his home town dangled by a lunar moth to over rule the court after protesting the allowance of conversation between humans and animals! .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607 , .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607 .postImageUrl , .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607 , .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607:hover , .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607:visited , .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607:active { border:0!important; } .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607:active , .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607 .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Kathleen Chalfant - an angel with six faces EssayGenerally I found the performance of the cast to be rather poor and lacking in commitment. I feel that only two characters Tommy Stubbins played by the lady Joanna Forest and Chief Straight Arrow played by experienced film and music producer Ako Mitchell managed to hold their character perfectly throughout, they were both cast very well as the pair together were suited in their roles and performed to an immense standard. From my perspective Tommy Stubbins appeared as the most committed and talented actor on stage. Straight Arrow was a great exaggerated character, Tommy Steele told jokes that crushed the success of the play y et Straight Arrow was really funny and gave the performance some witty humor! I found Tommy Steele; the gentleman playing the main role of Dr. Dolittle wasnt at all professional unlike the characters mentioned above lacked commitment greatly. He along with his costar who was playing Miss Emma Fairfax moved the pace of the play too quickly; lines were rushed and although some nerves are expected on an opening night these shouldnt show in a professional performance. When on the subject of Miss Fairfax there was a part at the start of the production where she was angry at Dr. Dolittle she said the line He is nothing more than a quack the actress Abigail Jaye who played Emma Fairfax attempted to show her frustration through hand gestures yet her actions and facial expressions were so unbelievable that she just appeared to be completely fake and unprofessional! Bryan Smyth who played Matthew Mugg was another whom was guilty of dragging the performance down with his amateur skills and inefficiency when it came to withstanding character! Matthewss role was as a close companion of the doctor yet in the stage sense he was to act as a narrator of the performance keeping the audience informed of key events in the storyline. His use of the stage and his facial expressions were indeed convincing yet it was his speech skills that destroyed the role. When on the subject of assessing his vocals Bryan Smyth performed at a highly mediocre standard; he constantly would slip through accents; the accent he was meant to sustain was the Irish accent I would have thought that for him this would be easy as he was born In Dublin yet he just couldnt keep in role. This for me was incredibly noticeable as I am sure it would be for other members of the audience. This flaw in the character proved to me that either he wasnt fully concentrated or he wasnt capable of performing in the role of Matthew Mugg his speech was immensely distracting and disconnected me from the points he was actually trying to get across to the audience.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
MCI communication free essay sample
Background of Company MCI communication corporation was a telecommunication company found in 1963. In the beginning the business plan of MCI was to build up a group of microwave relay stations that allow limited-range two-way radios signal to transfer. Which means providing long distance telecommunications. In 1971, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allowed those long distance companies compete and try to break out ATT’s monopoly telephone service in the U. S. MCI wanted to grow further, however the ATT did not want to provide interconnection services which MCI needed. As a result, MCI sued ATT in 1974 and later won the law suit and FCC force ATT to provide service to MCI , thus MCI continue its construction on its own network build. Before 1974, MCI was not profit too much but is all change based on their successful business strategy, knew as â€Å"Execunet†service they offer affordable service to those customers who could not afford ATT’s service. We will write a custom essay sample on MCI communication or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page MCI successfully attracted small business user and residential to use their services. Due to that success strategy MCI turning to very profitable. Because of that, MCI saw a really high potential growth opportunity that could bring the company to a different level. However, they find out the need more funds and capital to support the growth. ATT is MCI’s major competitor. And ATT break up its business , ATT now compete with MCI in the local telephone business, the means MCI must rise their rate in the local business, but at same time ATT left a big cake on its market share that MCI could toke from them. SWOT analysis Before ATT break up, MCI has strengths on its Execunet service, and fairly lower charge in their local network services. Their weakness is short of capital and market shares which control by ATT. Their opportunities was growth execunet services. They also face threats such as competition from ATT. Before ATT break out: Some of the SWOT analysis have changed after ATT break up. Now their strengths beside execunet service is their high stock value and large amount of cash on hand. Their weaknesses are still lack of investment capital and market share. But they do have opportunities on take over ATT’s market share, also their interest coverage ratio is high. The threats they are facing is great competition from ATT and other firms. After ATT break out: Financial strategy and Analysis At beginning MCI was a very risk company, and like all other high risk company, MCI had high interest rate to cover its high risk. They offer a put warrants on their stock shares to get loans from investors. They also use a tax loss to deduct their tax amount when the success Execunt strategy to kick in. This strategy generated a great amount of revenue. Another way to rise fund for MCI is by selling its convertible preferred stock. Preferred stock is a very safe investment tool, it offer investors dividend and at same time allow them to convert to common stock in a certain conversion rate. By issue these convertible preferred stock, MCI can not only rise capital, but also keep the high value on its common stock. The dividend paid to investor can also become a tax shield due to MCI still carry forward tax losses. Another great use of convertible prefer stock is that MCI can call a provision and investors need to convert their shares to common stock, this action can keep the cash flows tie. MCI can issue preferred stock and convert to common stock later. MCI took lot of debt to get more capital they need, but the good thing is they are very profitable, and their stock is in very high value, and continued to grow. This would easily to cover their interest from the debt. This is a very risk move, by taking debt to leverage the company and then issue convertible prefer stock and convert it to common stock and take debt again. Because if the company is not growing, they will not be able to cover its interest payment. The manager value more fund over the risk of high interest payment. It turns out they are correct in this action. However, in the future, they have to rethink of their position to continue be competitive and growing. The company have a current 55-60% debt in their capital structure, I think although this level can keep their growth, but for the long term they need to find a better way to rise fund and hopefully reduce their debt to 40% in the future. With lower debt ratio, company could be a better position when they are not growth as fast as they were before. MCI were facing great competition from ATT and other new entry companies. Four options for MCI in 1983 to rising capital According to Exhibit 6 on the case, in the 1983, the stock price is $43 on March. In the option A: $400 Million common stock. Although this option could raise $400 million cash to the company, but more shares issue may cause the current stock price fall, that would damage the current share holder, and the same time the market value of equity will rise lead to the cost of equity increase, thus this is not a very good option if there is another choose. The next option B: $500 million of 12. 5% 20 year subordinated debentures, this option gives $100 million surplus over the option A, however, MCI ‘s debt ratio is already very high, and if the company stop growing very fast it could lead some serious cash flow issue to the company, as the result, this is not a good option too. The option C: $600 million convertible at 7. 625% over 20 years with conversion at 54 per share. This option give $600 million cash which is $100 million higher than option B, at same time the interest rate is much lower than 12. % in option B, and this is an advantage. Also, the company can convert is once the price reach $54 from the $43(April 1983). If is a very good option, MCI can take this deal and convert it from debt to equity once the price hit $54, by doing this, MCI can reduce their debt and satisfy their need of capital to growth. The final option D: $1 billion of a unit package consisting of a $1000 of 7. 5 %, 10 year subordinated debenture and 18. 18 warrants, each entitling the holder to purchase one share of MCI common stock for $55. This option gives MCI the greatest amount of cash over all other option, and also with the lowest interest. Beside that, the warrant in this option gives company a way to covert early by the warrant( if stock price reach $55). That provides the company more liquidity. So all in all, the option D is the best option that manager should take for MCI. Recommend Finance step to MCI MCI has been very profitable, how every they are facing more competition and opportunities especially after the ATT break out. They need a lot of fund to continue growth and take more market shares, so they should do exactly they been doing in the past, which is taking debt and covert it to equity( common stock) and take new debt. However, because they are very profitable , they should decrease their debt level and maintain in a certain level if the stock price keep going in the right direction. By doing this, they can get enough capital and catch the potential growth opportunities.
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