Thursday, October 31, 2019
Airline industry applications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Airline industry applications - Essay Example With the help of using different mobile applications such as QLOUD and Knowledge-driven In-flight Solution (KIS), it is easy to access distinct sorts of information anytime and in anywhere (Ravichandran, 2011). In earlier times, the mobile applications were used in a modest way; however, these have been progressed in this modern day context providing advanced facilities to the people. Mobile applications can be defined as software or programs that are used in mobile devices (Islam, Islam & Mazumder, 2015). The airline industry generally uses the above stated mobile technologies or mobile applications amongst others to enhance the service processes and also offering best services to the passengers. In this modern day context, the global airline industry is identified to use mobile applications for deriving cost-effective solutions in their respective operational functions. It can be apparently observed that the worldwide airline industry has changed with significant improvements made in the respective business processes by using mobile technology. These improvements could be reckoned as developing the facility of electronic ticket and introducing the system of online check-in. By using mobile applications, it can be inferred that the airline industry is able to ensure providing better and quality services to the customers with having greater control over costs to be incurred during the process (NIIT, 2012). There are several airline based companies that have become much popular for providing quality services to the users by the use of distinct mobile applications. In this regard, such airline companies include Qatar Airways, Emirates Airways, British Airways and United Airlines. These four popular airline companies use different mobile applications including QLOUD, KIS, electronic or wireless bag tag and Travel card and Travel wallet. These mobile apps have been taken into concern for discussion while comparing the same amid
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Mini business plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Mini business plan - Assignment Example rpose and scope of this plan is to provide particular information about the industry and to highlight the critical areas for successful launching of a new fast food restaurant in Minnesota. The data discussed in this business plan is based on some certain facts and has been collected through number of sources. A careful attempt has been made to present real time data, however, this information may change at any time due to occurrence of any changes in the target market, and thus the actual outcomes may differ from the projected results. Generation of revenue and profit is the main purpose of any organization and same will be for Minnesota Fast Food Restaurant. Since it’s a service provider unit, therefore, customer service is the base of its existence. Our aim is to become the first choice of the customers and make them staying with us again and again. We believe in PEARL as our core value i.e. MFFR will operate its business by keeping a target market of very general nature in front of it because Cottage Grove is a small area having a population of only 34,589 in 2010 census According to the census conducted in 2000, there were 9,932 households and 8,462 families living in the Cottage Grove. Our restaurant will address the youth population, between ages 18 to 44 years, as its target market because it is 41.8% of the total population. Population under 18 is almost 32.7% of the total population (Census Redistricting Data, 2010). In Cottage Grove, the per capita income for the city was $28,348 in 2009 ( The market behavior of US fast food industry is interesting and it has been observed that generally three types of orders are placed in fast food restaurant. These orders are placed with respect to nature of group and family. The figure shown as Appendix-I indicates that lunch and dinner items are having a larger share of the market as 29% of the US fast food industry consists of it. Snack items and
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Mitigation of Health Risk of Women at Child-Bearing Age
Mitigation of Health Risk of Women at Child-Bearing Age Mitigation of Health Risk of Women at Child-Bearing Age Through Nutritional Patterns – Strategy Assumptions Basic assumptions for above mentioned Research The Research uses the findings of three own epidemiological surveys carried out in 1991, 1993, 2000 on nutritional pattern and nutritional status of pregnant and non-pregnant women at child-bearing age, which contain a lot of representative features on a national scale, for the development of strategy on further research in the surveyed area during second and third decade of 21st century. The findings were used as a inputs for development of preliminary diagnosis of current status and as assumptions for the strategy of modern research on early nutritional health risks of pregnant and non-pregnant women at child-bearing age. The Poland lacks diagnosis that would be based on representative national survey of women population falling into 15-49 age category with the application of all necessary methods used in descriptive, analytical and molecular epidemiology. The diagnosis seems to be indispensable. It was proven that in the last several decades most of nutrients served in the right quantities and proportions strengthen definitely the health condition of woman at child-bearing age and her foetus as well as genome stability. Own surveys of the author in this field are one of the most representative on a national scale in the last several decades. The dataset of 3177 all-day diets coming from three own surveys on nutritional pattern and anthropometric measurements of the nutritional status of non-pregnant women at child-bearing age collected in 1991-2000 and dataset of 1472 all-day diets of pregnant women are the most numerous of all surveys published in the last 25 years. The major lessons drawn from the preliminary diagnosis are as follows: * Substantiation that high percentage (>50.0% of all-day diet dataset) with the energy from total fats (above 35%) is chronic and was found out in each of the carried out surveys both in pregnant and non-pregnant women subpopulations. *It was proven that in the last survey it was accompanied by definite deficiency of long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Far higher-than-tolerated (up to 7% of energy from all-day diet) was the share of energy from saturated fatty acids. This enhances unambiguously in the surveyed population a risk of lipid management disturbances, a risk of cardio-vascular system diseases and a risk of diabetes type 2 and obesity. * The sodium intake from all-day diet was proven to be twice as high as Adequate Intake (AI), in predominant number of all-day diets, both in pregnant and non-pregnant women subpopulations. It should be noted that sodium is one of highly significant diet-related risks causing, inter alia, hypertension. *The lower-than-recommended iodine content was found out in the diets (mainly in the diets of pregnant women population), thus enhancing a risk of thyroid gland malfunctions, and in the foetus and infant populations – also physical and mental disorders. *Low iron content was discovered in the diets of pregnant women, which is conducive to enhancement of anaemia risk caused by iron deficiency. It enhances risk of premature birth, low body mass at birth and reduced infant health condition. Iron deficiency during pregnancy reduces its reserves for the foetus and in the first year of life, and also has adverse impact on further development of infant and in subsequent years of life. * For the population of women at child-bearing age evidence was found of lower than adequate intake (AI) from diet, on a population scale: D vitamin, proven by analytical testing, during multi-site clinical tests, published in 2012. The findings also confirm high risk of bone mineral management disorders, development of rickets in children population and growing risk of osteoporosis development in middle aged population. *For non-pregnant and pregnant child-bearing women subpopulations the lower-than-adequate intake (AI) of calcium from diet was discovered, which given specifically low D vitamin content and high phosphorous content in food enhances risk of mineral management disorders, including in particular bone structure, as well as probable increase of obesity prevalence, caused by the deficiency of nutrient in question. During the first decade of 21st century the situation most probably did not change. *Lower-than-adequate intake (AI) from food, on a population scale, was discovered for: dietary fibre, mainly in the diets of non-pregnant women, which by all means enhances the risk of abdominal obesity and diabetes of type 2. *Far lower-than-recommended folates content in the diets of Polish women at child-bearing age was discovered. Additionally in some diets low content of riboflavin, B6 and B12 vitamins was discovered. The folate deficiencies found out in the diets of Polish women enhance a risk of neural tube defects in infant population and they also enhance a risk of genome stability disorders. *Ten nutritional health risks listed above for the population of women at child-bearing age were paralleled by growing prevalence of obesity, mainly in the surveyed women falling into 45+ age category: a percentage of obese women in the 15–44age category rose insignificantly (from6.4% in 1991 to 7.8% in 2000), a percentage of obese women in the 45–49age category declined insignificantly (from21.1% to 20.5%), a percentage of obese women above 50 years of age, also found out in the population surveys in question, rose significantly in statistical terms (from27.7% to 33.9%) (p = 0.074); Prevalence of 3rd degree of obesity in the overall population of adult women rose from 0.2% in 1991 to 0.9% in 2000 (p = 0.001) in the population of 2725 women surveyed in 1991 the obesity was found out in 10.1% of the surveyed, whereas in 2000in the population of 1695 women, in the same age bracket, obesity was found out in a significantly higher (p The presented findings of three surveys carried out in the population of women at child bearing age with the application of only descriptive epidemiology methods, with underrepresentation of samples, with parallel discovery of many flaws in nutritional pattern and nutritional status, give legitimacy to the conduct of a survey, that has not been conducted so far, with the application of descriptive, analytical and molecular methods. The inevitability of such approach to the survey with random sample selection on a nation-wide basis is indicated by the state-of-the-art in the fields of mother and foetus medicine, epigenetics and nutrigenomics. Based on survey findings the following conclusions were drawn: ** The found out, aforementioned most probably prevailing, modifiable, nutritional health and current nutritional status risks in the subpopulations of surveyed non-pregnant and pregnant women at child-bearing age is probably a material dataset of characteristics enhancing a risk of occurrence of homeostasis disorders, threatening the physiological course of pregnancy and the maintenance of health of foetus, infant and child in consecutive decades of her/his life. **Overweight and obesity, with growing prevalence with age, enhances probably in the population of non-pregnant women a risk of chronic, low level inflammation conducive, as shown by the analysis of bibliography, to the occurrence of insulin resistance, diabetes of type 2, damage of blood vessels’ endothelium, development of metabolic syndrome, congenital anomalies, and also through, inter alia, cytokines also probable genome stability disorders. A decisive increase of prevalence of obesity in Poland was recorded mainly in the population of women in the 44+ age category. The prevalence of overweight and obesity in the population of Polish women at child-bearing population may probably grow in decades to come due to, inter alia, disadvantageous demographic situation and insufficient efficiency of health-oriented changes in lifestyle of this subpopulation of women. Intervention measures applied have to be more effective than to date and they should start, at least, one year before fertilization. **The analysis of current state of knowledge, based on survey findings, on early prevention of diet-related diseases (on a population scale) leads to a fundamental conclusion that molecular epidemiology, using methods applied, inter alia, in functional genomics and in epigenetics, should be introduced to diagnose health condition of women at child-bearing age as a tool with the same value as descriptive and analytical epidemiology methods. The molecular epidemiology investigating, inter alia, the susceptibility of genes to food-related conditions, seems to be an irreplaceable tool in the early diagnosis of health condition of women population described in this monograph. The collected and processed in a complementary fashion survey findings in each of the three disciplines should lay foundations for taking early interventions in the field of preventive measures and early secondary measures counteracting health disorders and diet-related diseases caused by faulty nutritional pattern, in both distinguished physiological conditions. The parallel implementation of measures and methods in the three aforementioned areas, in appropriate proportions, in the field of epidemiological studies on nutritional pattern and nutritional status of surveyed non-pregnant and pregnant women population, in order to strengthen effectively this part of public health system, seems to arouse interest of the Ministry of Science and the Ministry of Health or their counterparts in most European Union Members States, and the interest of EFSA. **A number of material detailed findings, from cognitive and application perspectives, is provided in the individual sections of monograph.
Friday, October 25, 2019
white fang :: essays research papers
Part I opens as London vividly describes the "wild, the savage, frozen-hearted Northland Wild." Two men, Henry and Bill, struggle to pull the long, narrow coffin of Lord Alfred on a dog sled through the cold, desolate terrain. Dressed in fur and leather, their faces are completely covered in frozen crystals. Making the setting bleaker, the men are being pursued by a pack of hungry wolves. Down to only three cartridges for their guns, the travelers are unable to shoot at the wolves, whose behavior is becoming more brazen. Bill voices concern to Henry about an extra dog at feeding time, who appears out of nowhere and blends in with the six regular sled dogs. The next morning the men find one dog missing, lured away by the wolves. A dog that both men agree is not very smart. As Bill and Henry travel through the frozen, snow covered territory they notice the wolves following a little closer every day. Building fires at night to keep warm and to keep the wolves at bay, the men sense the animals closing in slowly but surely every day and every night. The next morning as Bill is feeding the dogs he notices the wolf (a she-wolf) amidst the sled dogs and is able to land a blow with a club. The following morning the men find another sled dog, Frog, gone. Unlike Fatty, the first dog to disappear, Frog was "no fool dog" and also the "strongest of the bunch." The men eat a very gloomy breakfast, harness the sled and repeat another day across the frozen Northland. After dinner, however, they decide to tie the dogs to stakes with leather straps to prevent another dog from running away to certain death. As they settle down for the evening the dogs become agitated and Bill and Henry look up to see the she-wolf wandering through the camp, eyeing the dogs. She is a decoy for the wolf pack, remarks Henry, luring the sled dogs away as food for the pack. After much discussion, the men decide it would be prudent to use some of the remaining ammunition to take care of the troublesome she-wolf. Left with only three dogs, the men start out the next morning only to meet more catastrophe as the sled overturns on a bad price of trail. Stuck between a tree trunk and a large rock, the men are forced to unleash the dogs to straighten the sled.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Cutlass Olds
It was purchased a family car, as well as a dally driver to and from work. It rolled off the line from the factory with a turquoise vinyl Interior, bucket seats, a center console, head rests, as well as air conditioning and other accessories. Many stories have been told from the adventures endeavored from behind the driver's seat of the car. Now however, its two tone Cameo White body, and Glade green hardtop remain to be covered In dirt and paw prints. The cutlass' heartbeat is a 250 horsepower â€Å"Rocket†350 VI Chevrolet small block tutor, producing 355 lbs. F torque at 2600 Revolutions per Minute (RPM), with a compression ratio of 9:1 (Oldsmobile Informational). It is naturally aspirated with a two barrel carburetor and Is coupled with the optional Hydra-Metal 3-speed turbo 350 transmission, together producing a 10:8 horsepower to weight ratio (Horsham). From there, the power is transferred to the rear axle. This axle is a four-link live axle type, with 3. 23:1 gears inst alled. This gear ratio was the â€Å"all-round†preferred set to meet somewhere In the middle of top economy and maximum performance (Oldsmobile Informational).With all that â€Å"GO,†this car weighing in at 3650 lbs, (while full of gals needs lots of â€Å"WHOA. †It has drum brakes with self-adjusting dual master cylinders, and 9. 5†³ cast-alloy drums installed on all four corners to bring everything to a stop. The body Is Just shy of 202†³ In length, 76†³ wide, and is mounted on a 112†³ wheel base chassis (Oldsmobile Cutlass). It Is composed of K-braced front cross members and frame torque boxes, which allow for a lower body floor. The rear axle is Informational). This features large coil springs and double-action shock absorbers. The front suspension carries 56. Of the overall car weight (Oldsmobile Cutlass), and is a double wishbone (A frame) design with coil springs and dual action shocks as was for the rear axle. Perhaps one of the mo st common and well known automatic transmission ever produced was General Motors' Turbo 350. The Turbo 350 is a fully automatic transmission made up of a 3-element hydraulic torque converter and two planetary gear sets. The planetary gear sets are used in conjunction with four multiple-disc clutches, two roller clutches, and an intermediate overrun band to obtain proper fiction elements necessary (350 Turbo).Weighing in at 120 lbs. ND being 21 – %†long (Novak), this cast aluminum transmission is much larger than the manual style it replaced and was left unpainted. It is easily distinguishable by its oil pan which is chamfered on the rear passenger side corner, and its integral bell housing. It holds 5 quarts of automatic transmission fluid. They are also identified by the transmission model and code numbers stamped on the side of the servo. This identification will include a prefix code letter(s), followed by a 5, the year of production, and the serial number of the tr ansmission itself (Former).The transmission itself offers three driving SE selections labeled â€Å"D,†â€Å"S,†and â€Å"L. †Normal driving is achieved by selecting the â€Å"S†range. This allows the car to start in first, shift to second and third. As speed decreases, it will automatically shift back down and provide small engine braking. In the â€Å"L†range, the transmission is not allowed to shift into any gear except 1st. This is designed to receive the most power for pulling or for steep inclines and heavy engine braking. The last selection is â€Å"D,†named for the forced detent downshifts.In this range, the transmission can be downshifted from fourth to third and third to second within a select speed range. Reverse is equally as important and is achieved through the use of a friction clutch through adequate oil pressure. This friction clutch is unable to engage after a speed of MPH in the forward motion by a blocker piston to prevent accidentally selecting reverse will moving forward. By putting the transmission in park, the output shaft is locked to the transmission case via a parking pawl that grabs lugs on the backside of the reverse planet carrier.A detent prevents accidental movement into park while still moving in either direction (Former). The power flow in the transmission begins with the torque converter. It uses oil to hydraulically multiply torque when needed. It consists of three major elements, the converter pump, the turbine, and the stator. As the engine turns, it powers the pump, which works as a centrifugal style (much like a water pump) and flings hydraulic oil away from the center. As the oil begins to flow, it pushes on the turbine blades, the turbine is connected to the transmission, which then begins to have torque applied to it and spin as well.The fluid is then forced to change direction by the stator, which directs the fluid from the turbine back to the pump. This increases the e fficiency of he torque converter greatly. See Figure 1 . Figure 1 From the torque converter, the power is transferred to two gear sets in the transmission. Each gear set is made up of six major components, the sun gear (the main internal gear), four planetary gears, and an outside ring gear. Each one of these components can either be driven by the engine, or locked in place by a band clutch. Possibilities is what makes it possible for the transmission to shift.It is also equipped with one overrunning clutch. This is a one-way roller that allows engine braking to occur in first, second, and third gear. It achieves this by allowing the input shaft to spin faster, but never slower than the output shaft. Each of these actions are controlled by many different parts and materials working together. To begin is the valve body. This is the brain of the transmission, and ironically represents the looks of one. It is filled with many passages for oil to flow, each controlled by individual valv es. These valves may be controlled by many things, including the governor or manual linkages.The governor is attached to the output shaft of the transmission and senses the speed of the vehicle. As the speed increases, the governor weights egging to fly out, much like the governor setup of older tractor engines. As the weights fly out, the governor allows more oil to flow, as well as higher pressure. As certain pressures are reached, the valves in the valve body release, performing a function, such as releasing or contracting a band brake. See Figure 2. To begin in neutral, all clutches and overrun bands are released, allowing no power transfer from the torque converter to the output shaft.Oil flows from the pump to the regulator valve. When this pressure exceeds necessary line pressure, the excess is diverted to fill the converter. If the transmission is put into drive, or first gear, this engages the forward clutch set. It also locks the intermediate overrun roller clutch. The fro nt gear set receives clockwise power to the ring gear, while transmitting power via the sun gear to the rear unity, producing a converter torque ratio of approximately 2:25 at stall. The rear set receives power via the sun gear, and while the planetary gears are held, transmits the power to the ring gear.This produces The manual linkage directs line pressure to the Reverse, Neutral, and Drive ports, 2-3 shift line pressure is also increased to cushion when the next shift takes lace. The rear roller clutch freewheels in first gear and oil is directed to the gear set and is regulated by governor pressure. This pressure increases with vehicle speed, and acts as a cushion for the 1-2 shift valves. When the governor pressure reaches 46 Pounds per Square Inch (AS'), the oil pressure over powers the 1-2 valve spring which opens the valve.This shifts the transmission by directing drive oil to apply the intermediate clutch. The front gear set continues to receive power at the outer ring gear , however the inner sun gear is held, and the planetary gears provide the output power. This reduction ratio is approximately 1. 52 to 1. Everything else remains the same. This shift into second gear will happen between 42-49 MPH at full throttle, or 9-12 MPH at minimum throttle. As governor pressure continues to increase yet again, the 2-3 shift valve begins to become overpowered by the oil pressure.Once 77 SSI is reached, the direct clutch is engaged by the new oil, this shift is cushioned by the Reverse, Neutral, Drive oil pressure on the other side of the piston. At this point, the intermediate, direct, and forward clutch are now all engaged at once, and the overrun roller clutch is allowed to freewheel. Power is distributed to the front gear set through the sun gear drive shell and turn with a ratio of 1 . This shift into third gear typically happens between 70-79 MPH at full throttle, or approximately 20 MPH at minimum throttle.When reverse is engaged, the forward clutch is di sengaged, the direct clutch and low/reverse clutches are both engaged, and the intermediate roller allows oil pressure to enter the reverse valve circuit. Oil flows to the outer area of the direct clutch piston, to the outer area of the low and reverse clutch piston, and to both the 1-2 and 2-3 shift valves. It also acts on the reverse boost valve to increase line pressure to a maximum of 250 SSI at stall. This allows the vehicle to move in reverse by applying torque to the front gear sun gear drive shell and the sun gear.The reverse clutch is applied, which then prevents the carrier from turning. This reverses the rotation of the ring gear, causing reverse and a 1. 93:1 ratio. Much like manual transmissions, these turbo 350 transmissions are equipped with detente to hold each shift in place. Instead of the typical ball and spring, these detente act as valves to hold oil pressure on the downshift valves. These detente are activated by the downshift cable. Each of these valves (manua l control, shift, and detent), each act as a piston in a valve-less 2 stroke engine.As they move forward or back, they slowly open or close ports (or valves) for oil flow. See Figure 3. One of the only ways to check all of these functions in the transmission is to run a pressure test. With the brakes applied and the engine running at 1000 RPM, the SSI should be between 60-90 when in drive, between 85-150 SSI while in reverse, and between 55-70 SSI while in neutral. While in drive and the engine at idle, operating SSI should rest between 60 and 85 AS'. Other issues may be caused by worn clutches, bands, or shims. Correct input shaft end play should be between 0. 033†³ and . 064. Correcting this end play is done by adding or removing thrust washers located between the main oil pump and the direct clutch drum. Three thicknesses of pressure plates are used within the transmission. These are . 245†³-. 255†³, . 275†³-. 285†³, and . 305†³-. 315†³. A clear ance of 0. 010†³- 0. 080†³ should be obtained between the top faced plate and pressure plate. Each internal shaft is supported by bronze bushings. Each should be installed 0. 010†³ above flush (350 Turbo). After the power has exited the transmission through the output shaft, it has to transfer the torque to the axle, via a drive shaft.The drive shaft on the 1969 Oldsmobile Cutlass begins with a universal slip yoke that slides onto the output shaft of the transmission. This also doubles as a seal for the transmission tail housing and is installed with one once of lubrication and provided with a small vent hole on the back side of the slip yoke. The shaft itself is made of steel, and welded to cast iron yokes. The rear yoke is unique in the fact that it actually consists of a coupling yoke and two set of ball stud yokes. Each half of the yoke takes one half of the angle pitch.Whenever removing these ball stud Joints, be sure to reference disassembly of the connecting yo ke and both flanges to retain proper shaft balance. Each set of universal Joints have 25 roller bearings per cap, and have external retaining rings which hold them in place on the internal side of the yoke. The coupling yoke has two sets of ball yokes for the C. V. Joint. These are also held by retainer clips. Once the propeller shaft is installed in the car, it must meet runabout specifications. Being measured at 5†³ from the front weld, in the center of the shaft, and at 2†³ from the rear led, the shaft must be equal to or less than 0. 24†³ of runabout. Flange runabout must not exceed 0. 008†³ Transmission angle should be set at % degrees, and shims should be added or removed to obtain proper setting. Differential nose angle should be set at 10 % degrees, and is corrected by adding or removing shims at the axle. CAUTION: The four point live axle is driven from the propeller type drive shaft. This axle allows the engine torque to be transmitted into a perpendicu lar direction. This Cutlass is equipped with A 10 bolt differential (referring to the number of bolts in the differential cover) and 3. 3:1 gears.It is easily spotted by the ribs on the side of the housing and is commonly known as a â€Å"P†style rear axle. The pinion gear stem is 1. 625†³ in diameter and uses 30 spines to connect to the yoke of the drive shaft and drives an 8. 5†³ ring gear. The ring gear itself has 42 teeth, and the pinion has 13 in total (Former). Each axle is machined with 28 spines and use two sealed ball bearings on the end of the axle with an oil seal located inside the axle tube behind the sealed bearings. They have a bolt-in design and do not use c-clips to stay in place (Rolling).The rear axle has a removable carrier. The pinion is mounted by two tapered roller bearings that are preloaded by a collapsible spacer. The pinion depth is set using a shim between the pinion head and the rear pinion bearing. Two tapered roller bearings also supp ort the differential itself. These are preloaded and the differential backlash is set using two threaded sleeves between the bearings and pedestals. This preloaded should be set using inch pounds, and should be 8-12 in/lbs. Using used bearings, or 24-32 in/lbs. Using new ones.The side gears and pinions mounted in the differential are held in place by a lock screw and are backed with thrust washers. Backlash for the pinion to ring gear must be set between 0. 005-0. 009†³, and variation over the entire ring gear backlash must not exceed 0. 002†³. Pinion depth is achieved using cast iron production shims and vary from 0. 210-0. 272†³ in increments of 0. 002†³. Pinions depth will be marked on the pinion gear face. Once proper depth is achieved, the front pinion nut should have been marked before disassembly, then tightened to 1/16†³ past the mark made before.The axles should be bolted into place and have no more than 0. 020†³ end play. If more end play is p resent, the sealed roller bearings should be replaced. The differential should be filled to within 3/8†³ of the filler hole, or roughly around 4 h Pits. Of S. A. E. 90 GAL.-5 Gear lubricant. Parts for this Cutlass are very readily available as it is a fairly common terrain as well as one that is fairly new as well. Many local parts stores such as Scarcest, Nap, or Advance Auto Parts would carry much of what any restoration would ask for.For those hard to find parts, many salvage yards such as CT Auto Ranch out of Denton TX has many salvaged cutlass' in stock and parts ready to ship. Other resources may include magazines and blobs such as Hemming Motor News, or Olds Club of America. Naturally, many internet sources exist as well such as Rocket. Com, Illiterateness. Com, Summit Racing, or even Pops. Com. Anything related to the transmission can be found quite easily as it is one of the most common transmissions out there. The detersives yoke however, may be a different story as i t is a strange set up with the double rear yoke.If one is not available at a salvage yard, there are many companies around who make custom drive shafts such as Anta's, or Dyne's Detersives companies. Technical information is also available quite easily and quickly for this car and Just about anything on it. To start is the Olds Club of America. This club is dedicated to Oldsmobile only and has connections to people who have the answers, they have classified ads, and even Judging guidelines. Another very good source for information MI, the center has many original service manuals, brochures, and catalogues available in person, or on their website.Any original manual is a great place to start. The â€Å"Motor's Automatic Transmission Manual†is a 740 page volume that includes 240 pages of oil circuit diagrams of which the majority are in color. This book is mentioned in one of my sources. Original pamphlets or brochures are a great source or technical information or selling poi nts of these cars and their components. If all else fails, many blobs and posts are out there on car geek sites to help those tech savvy restorers out there to find the information they need. The research of this paper really taught me a lot.The Olds Cutlass used to be Just a car parked in the back of the shed, and as I grew older it slowly began to mean more and more to me, however I have never taken the time to really look into it. It's one of those things that you see or walk by every day, but never step back and actually look at it. This paper gave me a new perspective on an old car, my father's old car. I was shocked with how much information is out there for the Cutlass, and not Just any cutlass, for whichever make or model you may have. Information, brochures, pictures, and clubs are fairly abundant for the Oldsmobile, which is something that I am definitely not used to.Naturally, I learned a lot about the car, all the options available, trim packages, and where to find this kind of information. I also learned a lot about automatic transmissions, which is something I have never looked at in depth before. It took a while to get my head wrapped around it all, but it makes sense now that it has had the time to sink in. It is amazing how much can go into such a small item, let alone an entire car. The amount of specifications, dimensions, tolerances, and other information is absolutely endless. At least for a car of this era.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Racism in the Work Place
Racial discrimination at the workplace is, unfortunately, becoming common. It exists in workplaces across the world. With globalization and better work opportunities, people are traveling across to other countries and settling down. Their culture, traditions, interests, beliefs differ from that of the locals and this leads to a conflict of interest, of sorts. This can lead to racial discrimination at places of work, community, schools and so on. On April 14, 2005, the class action lawsuit Gonzalez v. Abercrombie & Fitch, was granted final approval settlement. The settlement requires the retail clothing giant to pay $50 million, less attorneys' fees and costs, to Latino, African American, Asian American and female applicants and employees who charged the company with discrimination. The settlement also requires the company to institute a range of policies and programs to promote diversity among its workforce and to prevent discrimination based on race or gender. Abercrombie & Fitch is a clothing retailer marketing to young adults, teenagers and children. It employs over 22,000 employees, most of whom are college-age adults, in over 700 stores throughout the United States. The settlement agreement also contains provisions related to the recruitment, hiring, job assignment, training, and promotion of Abercrombie & Fitch, Hollister, and Abercrombie Kids employees. The provisions include; †¢ A new Office and Vice President of Diversity, responsible for reporting to the CEO on Abercrombie’s progress toward fair employment practices. †¢ The hiring of 25 recruiters who will focus on and seek women and minority employees. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Diversity Training for all employees with hiring authority. †¢ A new internal complaint procedure. †¢ Abercrombie marketing materials that will reflect diversity by including members of minority racial and ethnic groups. In addition, Abercrombie created a $40 million Settlement Fund for distribution to individual class members. This will total approximately $ 10 million, bringing the total amount Abercrombie must pay to approximately $50 million. The young men and women who applied to work at Abercrombie should have been judged on their qualifications, and not their skin color or gender. The class action settlement compensates class members for being subjected to the challenged practices and ensures that Abercrombie will improve its employment practices and diversity efforts nationwide. Given that Abercrombie is a nationwide store, only proves that even today discrimination is very common and everyone should take a stand against it.
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