Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Binge Drinking Is An Amount Of Time - 1091 Words
Binge drinking could be identified into various definitions or how would an individual interpret it. As for s for college students would define it as a way to drink non-stop, just for fun, or excessively drinking until drunk. Binge drinking can be interpreted in a scientific form, like NIAAA defines binge drinking as a pattern of drinking that brings blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels to 0.08 g/dL. This typically occurs after 4 drinks for women and 5 drinks for menâ€â€in about 2 hours. (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism). It would overheat between both gender, males and females as to how is alcohol being consumed in an amount of time. Researchers came to a conclusion, what binge drinking is being defined as to how much alcohol is being consumed, variables towards it, cause and effect, and etc. Furthermore, on to the text, would provide how studies can be tested/experienced to get the given information one is seeking for. Study designs, are procedures on how an individual would engage to gather their data. There are two types of design studies, one is the cross-sectional approach and a longitudinal study approach. The cross sectional approach is a study based on observations representing a single point in time. In comparison, with a longitudinal approach would be a study design that involves in collecting data at different points in time. On my own perspective, would like to access by collecting my data through longitudinal study. To get a betterShow MoreRelatedBinge Drinking On College Campuses1459 Words  | 6 PagesMr. Paul October 28, 2014 Binge Drinking On College Campuses Over the past few years, there has been this big debate about whether the drinking age should be lowered to 18 or if it should stay at 21. Those in favor of lowering the drinking age to 18 argue that someone who is old enough to serve their country should be allowed to have a drink. Those who are in favor of keeping the minimum legal drinking age at 21 because of consequences regarding psychological developmentRead MoreAccording To â€Å"College Drinking,†Almost Two Out Of Three1388 Words  | 6 PagesAccording to â€Å"College Drinking,†almost two out of three college students engage in binge drinking. Binge drinking is a pattern of drinking that brings blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels to 0.08 g/dL or higher (â€Å"College Drinking†). Many parents, guardians, and psychologists believe that college students binge drink because they think drinking is an integral part of their higher education. Similar to peer pressure, college students drink because the rest of the student body drinks. FurthermoreRead MoreCause Effect of Binge Drinking Essay1247 Words  | 5 Pagesunplanned sexual activity all have in common? They are all frequent results of binge drinking by college students. On a typical Friday or Saturday night you can find the average college student out drinking and having fun. Normally partying with friends at a party, bar, or club; most of these college students are underage consuming excessive amounts of alcohol, or as its better known, â€Å"binge drinking.†The term binge drinking is defined as the consumption of five or more drinks in a row by men and fourRead MoreBinge Drinking On College Campuses1536 Words  | 7 PagesDr. Yacob Ali 30 November 2015 Binge Drinking on College Campuses Approximately four out of five college students drink alcohol ( Although alcohol does not have immediate negative effects, over consumption can lead to serious consequences. For example, 1,825 college students between the ages of 18 and 24 die each year from alcohol-related unintentional injuries ( alcohol-related injuries and accident are a result of binge drinking. The National Institute on AlcoholRead MoreEffects Of Binge Drinking On Children960 Words  | 4 PagesThere is a lot of support and treatment for binge drinking. Organisations such as Alcohol know your Limits and like a drink. These organisations provide support and advice to people who are suffering with binge drinking. They provide useful information about alcohol and what each genders drinking guidelines is. In addition they also provide information on the long and short term effects of binge drinking on an individual both physical and mental. Furthermore they have hotlines that people can callRead MoreUnderage Drinking Is Part Of The Culture Of College1734 Words  | 7 PagesBy the time high school students are seniors around 70 percent of students have had alcohol and the number will increase more as they begin college (IUPUI). With being in college one thing that I did discover is that underage drinking is part of the culture in college, also the friends that I had in high school who are 21 now I have discovered they drink some of the least amount now. Which has begun to make me wonder why people who are 21 drink less than people who are underage. I believe thatRead MoreEffects Of Binge Drinking On College Campuses1202 Words  | 5 Pages1997, binge drinking has increased each year (Wechsler, Lee, Kuo. 2010). Binge drinking is no stranger to San Jose State University as well as college campuses nationwide (Police Department, n.d.). Binge drinking has been on epidemic on college campuses and continues to grow over the course of time with alarmi ng numbers of incidents that occur while under the influence. Since binge drinking is common on most college campuses, about 60% of students nationwide have stated that they have binge drankRead MoreBinge Drinking vs the Drinking Age Essays829 Words  | 4 Pages2013 Binge Drinking VS the Drinking Age Presidents of college campuses around the nation face issues of underage drinking and binge drinking on a regular basis and realizes that it is a danger and a problem. â€Å"Alcohol consumption is the third leading cause of death in the U.S., a major contributing factor to unintentional injuries, the leading cause of death for youths and young adults, and accounts for an estimated 75,000 or more deaths in the United States annually†(Wechsler 2010). Binge drinkingRead MoreWhy Lower the Legal Drinking Age?801 Words  | 3 Pageslower the drinking age below 21 lose 10% of their annual federal highway appropriations (Haevens). This is the main reason the legal drinking age has not been lower below 21 years of age.a large number of the general population desires a lower drinking age. In the 25 years since the legal drinking age was set at 21, seven states have tried to lower it. (Wechsier ).It is unfair for the federal government to withhold money from states if they exercise their rights to set the legal drinking age to whatRead MoreBinge Drinking on College Campuses Essay992 Words  | 4 PagesBinge Drinking on College Campuses High school is over and it is your first time away form home, what are you going to do? The typical college student wants to party! Of the people that were surveyed over half believed that the legal drinking age should be lowered. [O’Kane 1] The legal age to drink in the United States is now 21 years old; college freshman, sophomores, and some juniors are not of the legal age to drink. This causes a problem on many campuses; several students are experiencing
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Health Insurance Exchanges Essay - 997 Words
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act stipulates that all states must have a health insurance exchange in place by 2014 or the residents of that state will have the option to enroll through a federal health insurance exchange. A health insurance exchange aims to provide competitive prices and transparency to those who are currently unable to afford health care coverage and for some businesses. It is seen as a step towards universal health coverage. [1] A predecessor of the health insurance exchange as outlined but the PPACA is the exchange in Massachusetts, which is entitled the Connector. Connector provides information on name brand health insurance options as well as information on Commonwealth Care, the no or low cost health†¦show more content†¦However this was adjusted to have individual state health insurance exchanges and if one is not put into place by 2014 the residents would still have the option to use the federal health insurance exchange. There was c oncern that with the smaller health insurance exchanges that there would be smaller risk pools of eligible people for the exchanges and the targeted effect of lower costs would not be obtained. With the individual states owning control of the exchanges there is better connection to the Medicaid options that would be connected to the exchange and the negotiations with the insurance companies could be more effective as well. [1] When thinking about how one currently attempts to shop for a personal health care plan it is frustrating to jump from website to website, or if one can find a site that compares more than one plan the plans are limited and the companies are few. The FAQ on the health insurance exchange from the White House explains the exchanges as â€Å"It is one-stop shopping that will enable you and your family to find a plan that is right for you.†[5] The transparency that each health insurance plan will haveShow MoreRelatedHealth Insurance Exchange Essay1290 Words  | 6 Pageschanges in the country’s health care system. The goal of the Affordable Care Act is reduction of the number of uninsured individuals and health care expenses. Some call the reform unconstitutional, some fear inefficient implementation will lead to the opposite of the anticipated health care cost reduction. According to Kaiser Health Tracking Poll 29% of Americans have very unfavorable opinion of the hea lth reform law compared to only 18% with very favorable attitude (See Health Data, 2010-2011). TheRead MoreHealth Insurance Exchanges ( Hix )2244 Words  | 9 Pages HEALTH INSURANCE EXCHANGES Health insurance exchanges (HIX) are the marketplaces which are established based on the Affordable Care Act provides customers at an individual level or to small businesses, health insurance which they can compare and purchase from private insurance companies. Individuals can make use of the state level exchange depending on one’s state residence or can purchase insurance from a federally facilitated exchange which is accessible at websiteRead MoreThe Health Insurance Exchange Is Not Working Essay1934 Words  | 8 PagesThe health insurance exchange is not working. The premiums of the insurance plans offered on Covered California have increased by 25% leaving me with no affordable options. When the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) was first implemented, there were months of advertisements about the advantages of Covered California, California’s state run health insurance exchange. The health insurance exchange is a purchasing pool that was supposed to increase access to affordable health insuranceRead MoreIntroduction Of As A Health Insurance Exchange Website1582 Words  | 7 PagesThe Introduction of Introduction is a health insurance exchange website operated under the United States federal government under the provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA, often known as Obamacare ), designed to serve the residents of the thirty-six U.S. states that opted not to create their own state exchanges. The exchange facilitates the sale of private health insurance plans to residents of the United States and offers subsidies to thoseRead MoreThe On The Public Option1368 Words  | 6 Pagescheaper than private insurance it would erode the insurance business and eventually put them out of business. Many have argued any public option using the government’s power to negotiate would be unfair competition and ultimately put the private insurers out of business, which is true in theory. The government gas significant control over the cost of provider services and like what happens with Medicare, can dictate the price they pay to providers which is an advantage the insurance marketplace doesRead MoreThe Affordable Care Act : Mnsure ( State Of Minnesota )1058 Words  | 5 Pages Minnesota Health Insurance Exchange (MNsure) John Huddle 2 November 2015 Project: The Affordable Care Act – MNsure (State of Minnesota) Type: IT (Information Technology) Introduction In March 2010, the US President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into the law which was proposed to provide health insurance services to more American peoples by reducing health costs. The Affordable Care Act endorsed states to set up health insurance â€Å"exchanges†to register peopleRead MoreThe Biggest Software Disasters1159 Words  | 5 PagesUS healthcare system. is a health insurance exchange website that was created as a result of this law. The objective of the website is to create a marketplace of health insurance companies and facilitate the sale of private health insurance plans to residents. Subsidies are offered to residents who fall below the federal poverty line. The website also helps residents to sign up for Medicaid and allow small business to offer health insurance to their employees. There were a number ofRead MoreCase Study : The Health Insurance System2366 Words  | 10 PagesAlex D Kim 67-371 Assignment #1 Summary The website was launched on October 1st, 2013. The system was designed to sell health insurance to residents of states that have not opted to make their own health insurance exchange system; however, the project was deemed a failure on the day it launched. The users experienced long wait times and the entire website became unusable. The combination of lack of communication, lack of understanding of technology, and premature publishing causedRead MoreHealthcare Policy Analysis Essay1292 Words  | 6 Pagesfinally happening!We get to manage our own health care .Our issues with Healthcare and insurance is finally looking up in a positive way .Finding a doctor wont be such a hassle nor will it be someone else telling you who you have to pick . Insurance wont be so high and even has made it possible to carry insurance without it breaking our pockets each month .This new way of insurance marketing is a great idea . I feel this will save our pockets and cost of health care can finally go down .The facts areRead MoreRisk Pooling in Health Care1670 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿ Risk Pooling in Health Care Finance Kiran Charania April 26, 2012 Risk pooling is a mechanism where revenue and contributions are pooled so that the risk of having to pay for health care is not borne by each contributor individually. Risk pooling is a form of risk management practiced by the health industry especially insurance companies. While risk pooling is necessary for insurance to work, not all risks can be effectively pooled. Pooling risks together allows the costs
Monday, December 9, 2019
Doctor Dolittle Theatre Review Essay Example For Students
Doctor Dolittle Theatre Review Essay Along with my year eleven drama group I attended the opening night of the Manchester Palace Theatre professional production Dr Dolittle. The trip took place on Monday 5th November and featured Tommy Steele; a relatively famous actor. The production was based on the books written by Hugh Lofting rather than the Hollywood film featuring Eddie Murphy; yet the novel was adapted for the stage and re-written by Lesley Bricas. Through having only watched the Hollywood film and not experiencing the original version I had some preconceptions which were extremely incorrect. I had expected a more classic and sophisticated musical rather than a larger than life, pantomimesque melodrama! This brings me to a comparison with another production I previously saw at the venue; it was named One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest a more convincing and emotional piece, I shall use the production as a brief contrast to Dr Dolittle highlighting its strengths in order to emphasize the aspects in Dr Dolittle that could be improved. The onstage production of Doctor Dolittle is an amalgam of overacting berserk ideas it casts larger than life characters, extravagant costumes and a very clever use of the stage; this combined creates a fun; ridiculous, yet entertaining musical! Despite being written in the 1930s and 1940s Hugh Lofting set his novel in the Victorian era. Placed against the backdrop of the conservative, prudish Victorian characters the ideas seem even more ridiculous; the novelist had no political agenda he simply had a farfetched and eccentric humor that resulted in the creation of some extremely entertaining novels. The Dr. Dolittle novel in particular was greatly inspired by the writers adoration for animals he imputed into this an immeasurable abundance of his vivid imagination which brought alive the storyline itself. The plot concerns Mr. Dolittle, an extraordinary and eccentric Doctor who cares more about animals than his human patients! The Doctor lives in the country with his dog, Jip, his parrot Polynesia, his pig, GubGub, his duck, DabDab, his monkey, CheeChee, and an owl, TooToo. He soon discovers through Polynesia that it is indeed possible to communicate with animals! Polynesia teaches him for years the languages of several animals enabling him to interact with hundreds of various species. One of these many species is the lobster, he decides to learn this language in order to communicate with the undersea creatures; he wants to do so because he plans a voyage across the ocean in search of the Giant Sea snail! He planned also that on his voyage he would discover the North Pole, the simple fact that at this period of time the North Pole was not yet discovered by anyone was in-keeping with the unrealistic nature of the play; we were indeed forced to suspend reality! Before he could venture off he needed make enough money to fund his voyage, through this some adventures in themselves are createdhe becomes friends with a one of a kind animal the Pushmi-pullyu a peculiar looking beast with two heads! Following this there are many obstacles in his way, some of which being his prison sentence and an overpowering shipwreck! Despite this he finally finds what he seeks! Though the doctors interaction with animals is the main theme there is another key element upon which the play centers; this being his developing relationship with the young lady Miss Fairfax their connection is one that certainly proves opposites do attract! The pair seem worlds apart yet are drawn together by their differences. The play ends on an exceedingly unrealistic note, the doctor travels to his home town dangled by a lunar moth to over rule the court after protesting the allowance of conversation between humans and animals! .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607 , .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607 .postImageUrl , .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607 , .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607:hover , .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607:visited , .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607:active { border:0!important; } .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607:active , .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607 .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u33054808b93d1fc558b1786229c7c607:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Kathleen Chalfant - an angel with six faces EssayGenerally I found the performance of the cast to be rather poor and lacking in commitment. I feel that only two characters Tommy Stubbins played by the lady Joanna Forest and Chief Straight Arrow played by experienced film and music producer Ako Mitchell managed to hold their character perfectly throughout, they were both cast very well as the pair together were suited in their roles and performed to an immense standard. From my perspective Tommy Stubbins appeared as the most committed and talented actor on stage. Straight Arrow was a great exaggerated character, Tommy Steele told jokes that crushed the success of the play y et Straight Arrow was really funny and gave the performance some witty humor! I found Tommy Steele; the gentleman playing the main role of Dr. Dolittle wasnt at all professional unlike the characters mentioned above lacked commitment greatly. He along with his costar who was playing Miss Emma Fairfax moved the pace of the play too quickly; lines were rushed and although some nerves are expected on an opening night these shouldnt show in a professional performance. When on the subject of Miss Fairfax there was a part at the start of the production where she was angry at Dr. Dolittle she said the line He is nothing more than a quack the actress Abigail Jaye who played Emma Fairfax attempted to show her frustration through hand gestures yet her actions and facial expressions were so unbelievable that she just appeared to be completely fake and unprofessional! Bryan Smyth who played Matthew Mugg was another whom was guilty of dragging the performance down with his amateur skills and inefficiency when it came to withstanding character! Matthewss role was as a close companion of the doctor yet in the stage sense he was to act as a narrator of the performance keeping the audience informed of key events in the storyline. His use of the stage and his facial expressions were indeed convincing yet it was his speech skills that destroyed the role. When on the subject of assessing his vocals Bryan Smyth performed at a highly mediocre standard; he constantly would slip through accents; the accent he was meant to sustain was the Irish accent I would have thought that for him this would be easy as he was born In Dublin yet he just couldnt keep in role. This for me was incredibly noticeable as I am sure it would be for other members of the audience. This flaw in the character proved to me that either he wasnt fully concentrated or he wasnt capable of performing in the role of Matthew Mugg his speech was immensely distracting and disconnected me from the points he was actually trying to get across to the audience.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
MCI communication free essay sample
Background of Company MCI communication corporation was a telecommunication company found in 1963. In the beginning the business plan of MCI was to build up a group of microwave relay stations that allow limited-range two-way radios signal to transfer. Which means providing long distance telecommunications. In 1971, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allowed those long distance companies compete and try to break out ATT’s monopoly telephone service in the U. S. MCI wanted to grow further, however the ATT did not want to provide interconnection services which MCI needed. As a result, MCI sued ATT in 1974 and later won the law suit and FCC force ATT to provide service to MCI , thus MCI continue its construction on its own network build. Before 1974, MCI was not profit too much but is all change based on their successful business strategy, knew as â€Å"Execunet†service they offer affordable service to those customers who could not afford ATT’s service. We will write a custom essay sample on MCI communication or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page MCI successfully attracted small business user and residential to use their services. Due to that success strategy MCI turning to very profitable. Because of that, MCI saw a really high potential growth opportunity that could bring the company to a different level. However, they find out the need more funds and capital to support the growth. ATT is MCI’s major competitor. And ATT break up its business , ATT now compete with MCI in the local telephone business, the means MCI must rise their rate in the local business, but at same time ATT left a big cake on its market share that MCI could toke from them. SWOT analysis Before ATT break up, MCI has strengths on its Execunet service, and fairly lower charge in their local network services. Their weakness is short of capital and market shares which control by ATT. Their opportunities was growth execunet services. They also face threats such as competition from ATT. Before ATT break out: Some of the SWOT analysis have changed after ATT break up. Now their strengths beside execunet service is their high stock value and large amount of cash on hand. Their weaknesses are still lack of investment capital and market share. But they do have opportunities on take over ATT’s market share, also their interest coverage ratio is high. The threats they are facing is great competition from ATT and other firms. After ATT break out: Financial strategy and Analysis At beginning MCI was a very risk company, and like all other high risk company, MCI had high interest rate to cover its high risk. They offer a put warrants on their stock shares to get loans from investors. They also use a tax loss to deduct their tax amount when the success Execunt strategy to kick in. This strategy generated a great amount of revenue. Another way to rise fund for MCI is by selling its convertible preferred stock. Preferred stock is a very safe investment tool, it offer investors dividend and at same time allow them to convert to common stock in a certain conversion rate. By issue these convertible preferred stock, MCI can not only rise capital, but also keep the high value on its common stock. The dividend paid to investor can also become a tax shield due to MCI still carry forward tax losses. Another great use of convertible prefer stock is that MCI can call a provision and investors need to convert their shares to common stock, this action can keep the cash flows tie. MCI can issue preferred stock and convert to common stock later. MCI took lot of debt to get more capital they need, but the good thing is they are very profitable, and their stock is in very high value, and continued to grow. This would easily to cover their interest from the debt. This is a very risk move, by taking debt to leverage the company and then issue convertible prefer stock and convert it to common stock and take debt again. Because if the company is not growing, they will not be able to cover its interest payment. The manager value more fund over the risk of high interest payment. It turns out they are correct in this action. However, in the future, they have to rethink of their position to continue be competitive and growing. The company have a current 55-60% debt in their capital structure, I think although this level can keep their growth, but for the long term they need to find a better way to rise fund and hopefully reduce their debt to 40% in the future. With lower debt ratio, company could be a better position when they are not growth as fast as they were before. MCI were facing great competition from ATT and other new entry companies. Four options for MCI in 1983 to rising capital According to Exhibit 6 on the case, in the 1983, the stock price is $43 on March. In the option A: $400 Million common stock. Although this option could raise $400 million cash to the company, but more shares issue may cause the current stock price fall, that would damage the current share holder, and the same time the market value of equity will rise lead to the cost of equity increase, thus this is not a very good option if there is another choose. The next option B: $500 million of 12. 5% 20 year subordinated debentures, this option gives $100 million surplus over the option A, however, MCI ‘s debt ratio is already very high, and if the company stop growing very fast it could lead some serious cash flow issue to the company, as the result, this is not a good option too. The option C: $600 million convertible at 7. 625% over 20 years with conversion at 54 per share. This option give $600 million cash which is $100 million higher than option B, at same time the interest rate is much lower than 12. % in option B, and this is an advantage. Also, the company can convert is once the price reach $54 from the $43(April 1983). If is a very good option, MCI can take this deal and convert it from debt to equity once the price hit $54, by doing this, MCI can reduce their debt and satisfy their need of capital to growth. The final option D: $1 billion of a unit package consisting of a $1000 of 7. 5 %, 10 year subordinated debenture and 18. 18 warrants, each entitling the holder to purchase one share of MCI common stock for $55. This option gives MCI the greatest amount of cash over all other option, and also with the lowest interest. Beside that, the warrant in this option gives company a way to covert early by the warrant( if stock price reach $55). That provides the company more liquidity. So all in all, the option D is the best option that manager should take for MCI. Recommend Finance step to MCI MCI has been very profitable, how every they are facing more competition and opportunities especially after the ATT break out. They need a lot of fund to continue growth and take more market shares, so they should do exactly they been doing in the past, which is taking debt and covert it to equity( common stock) and take new debt. However, because they are very profitable , they should decrease their debt level and maintain in a certain level if the stock price keep going in the right direction. By doing this, they can get enough capital and catch the potential growth opportunities.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button essays
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button essays The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was directed by David Fincher. This movie was released in 2008. This movie was narrated by Benjamin Button. Daisy is on her death bed in the hospital and she asks her daughter Caroline to read Benjamin Buttons life journal. It tells the story of a boy named Benjamin Button who ages in reverse, being born elderly, and dying as an infant. The only thing that sets Benjamin Button apart from others was his appearance. He still learned the basic concepts and skills at the same pace as everyone else. Concepts that were used throughout the movie include Birth and Infancy, Middle Childhood, Young Adulthood, Middle Adulthood, and Late Adulthood. The movie starts off with the birth of Benjamin Button. The birth of Benjamin Button was significant because a clock was responsible for his age reversed life. A man built this clock having time going in the reverse order. Therefore resulting in Benjamin Button having the looks of an elderly man but the size of an infant. He was born with cataracts on his eyes and arthritis in his hands. These are common disease in late adulthood. Also, he had plenty of wrinkles throughout the skin on his body. Benjamin Button was seen as a monster through his fathers eyes because of his appearance and the death of his mother during childbirth. His father dropped Benjamin Button off at a random strangers house. The strangers house happened to be an elderly home. The caretaker of the elderly home was an African american women named Tizzy. Tizzy took Benjamin Button in and raised him as her own son. During Benjamin Buttons middle childhood years he grew taller but he still had arthritis and wrinkles throughout the skin on his body. He was in a wheelchair due to lack of strength for walking. Benjamin Buttons mother Tizzy took him to her church in order for him to get blessed. Benjamin Button was taken on stage and the pastor preformed a miracle on Benjamin Button making him capabl...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Freelance Writing Course is Back with 50% Discount If You Join Today
The Freelance Writing Course is Back with 50% Discount If You Join Today The Freelance Writing Course is Back with 50% Discount If You Join Today The Freelance Writing Course is Back with 50% Discount If You Join Today By Daniel Scocco Today we are opening the 2018 edition of the Freelance Writing Course. Over 1,300 students have taken the course in the past and the feedback has always been immensely positive. This year we are implementing some changes that will make it even better! The Course The course aims to give you all the information and tools you need to start making money as a freelance writer. Its a practical course; you will spend about 10% of your time reading the lessons and 90% working on the assignment tasks. The program lasts for 6 weeks and every week you get access to a new module. The 6 modules are: 1. Writing Productivity: You’ll learn how to become a prolific writer, which is essential if you want to make money writing. 2. Building an Online Presence: Setting up a website is not enough these days. You need to know how to promote it and how to reach the right people online. 3. Writing for the Web: Freelance writing is changing, and this module focuses on the differences you’ll face while freelance writing for websites and online publications. 4. Finding Clients: Probably the most important module. Here you’ll learn where and how to find your first clients, and how to obtain high-paying writing gigs over time. 5. Running a Writing Business: Freelance writing is like any business, and as such you’ll need to manage it efficiently if you want to increase your earnings over time. 6. Social Media: In this module you’ll discover tactics you can use to leverage social media sites to boost your career. What’s New Here are the novelties for the 2018 edition: 50% discount for the first 50 students: the regular price of the course is $97. We believe its value is much higher. However, we have readers from all over the world, and $97 is a lot of money when you convert it to local currencies. The beauty of freelance writing online is that you can do it from anywhere as long as you have an Internet connection. In order to make the course accessible to as many people as possible we decided to offer a 50% discount (i.e. $49 instead of $97) to the first 50 people who join. PayPal is no longer required: on previous editions creating an account with PayPal was a requirement to join. However, many people didnt like that requirement, so we decided to change our payment processor. Now we are using Stripe, one of the largest and most reliable payment processing companies in the US. All you need to join now is a valid credit card, and you are still 100% protected because Stripe handles everything (we never get to see your credit card number, and we cant store it). Progress tracking: We implemented a simple system to allow you to track your progress over the assigned tasks where you place a checkmark on each task you complete. New lessons: We have updated some of the existing lessons and added new ones to make sure that the course reflects the current market trends. Join Today We still offer a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you find the course is not right for you simply send us an email and we will refund your money on the same day. Click here to get all the details and join the course. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:The Royal Order of Adjectives 26 Feel-Good Words150 Foreign Expressions to Inspire You
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Knowlegde Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Knowlegde Management - Essay Example However, there are several universal theories, which have explained knowledge in two types, viz. explicit and implicit knowledge. Explicit knowledge is gained through understanding and implicit knowledge is gained through skills and expertise of an individual. Similarly, Knowledge Management (KM) can be determined as a significant aspect in relation to the creation and management of knowledge. In an organisational context, KM can be defined as the process of collecting, managing and sharing the knowledge of various employees in an organisation that may help it in improving its business activity along with creating more effectiveness in its overall functioning by building better coordination amid different divisions of the organisation (Bhojaraju, 2005). Correspondingly, this paper intends to provide a brief explanation of knowledge and knowledge management highlighting the differentiation persisting between KM and Information Management (IM). The paper also describes the success factors required in measuring KM along with the aspects resulting in failure of KM within any organisational environment. In an organisational context, KM is regarded as a systematic approach of gathering, improving, sharing and using knowledge effectually with an expectation that it will help the organisation to innovate its business activity. On the other hand, IM is referred to the process of gathering and managing information obtained from more than one source and distributing it to the employees of an organisation in order to ensure that the information being used by the organisation will result in improving and improvising the business process of an organisation. Therefore, through these elaborations it can be understood that there is a vast difference between KM and IM, wherein both these types of management is quite important for an organisation. Correspondingly, it can be understood that the difference between KM and
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Breakthrough in Airline Industry Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Breakthrough in Airline Industry - Thesis Example Two successful companies are proposed as case study samples for the survey and extensive person-to-person interviews, namely, Southwest Airlines and American Airlines. In addition, two other profit-taking companies, Singapore Airlines and Cathay Pacific, shall serve as subjects of secondary interest as the thesis looks into their CRM practice by requesting them through e-mail or fax to fill up a questionnaire on the topic. If feasible, the proposed research shall locate any remaining office or persons that can speak for the failed Oasis Airlines, which is currently undergoing bankruptcy proceedings. Learning about the CRM techniques of both a successful and a collapsed airline is valuable to the proposed thesis since it will enable us to evaluate which process is more effective and useful. Whilst one airline after another goes out of business or on the edge of bankruptcy, a handful of airlines continue to operate profitably as if no crisis assails the industry at all. The most prominent of these successful airlines are Southwest Airlines, Cathay Pacific, Singapore Airlines, American Airlines and EasyJet. ... Southwest Airlines, for example, was recently honored by the US Department of Transportation for having the least number of complaints received from customers. It is interesting to see what management and operational strategies do these airlines employ to insulate their companies against the current economic crisis as well as the instabilities common to the industry, which can be highly instructive to both practitioners and students of management and marketing. 1.1 Main question: How do the fairly successful airlines handle their contacts with customers as compared to the customer relationship management applications used by failed airlines 1.2 Sub-questions: (1) Can adoption of CRM in the airline industry make a difference between long-term and short-term profitability (2) Which is more beneficial to an airline: online selling of plane tickets or through travel agents (3) Are loyalty schemes that reward frequent flyers part of good CRM practice that should be offered by troubled airlines (4) What tangible benefits have successful airlines derived from CRM for this to be considered a breakthrough system of management for the highly vulnerable airline industry 2. Literature Review Research for the proposed thesis shall focus on the actual results and benefits of CRM applications in airlines in light of the inherent difficulty in managing an airline and the turbulence experienced by the industry in the past few years. In effect, it will measure the impact of CRM applications on the bottom line of airlines based on the experience of Southwest Airlines and American Airlines. Studies of airline CRM in the existing literature, on the other hand, mostly discuss the rationale and mechanics of this process
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Swaggie Essay Example for Free
Swaggie Essay Which Italian city-state dominated the renaissance until the 15th century? Florence 2. A major difference between Italian and Northern Renaissance was that the Italian renaissance was more secular. 3. The characteristics of Italian Renaissance art are curvilinear rhythms, rich color, and detail. 4. Upper class women during the Italian Renaissance declined in status. 5. A major difference between European society in the Renaissance compared to society in the later middle ages was that the renaissance society experienced a sense of self separate and greater than their predecessors 6. Identify characteristics of the 16th century work of art, Toledo, by El Greco: showed a rejection of Renaissance ideals 7. Who was Niccolo Machiavelli and how did he believe a ruler should act? He was a civil servant of the Florentine republic and believed a ruler should be efficient in maintaining and gaining power and to not be limited my moral principles 8. An important characteristic of â€Å"new monarchs†of the late 15th and 16th centuries was their strong sense of royal authority and national purpose. 9. How does Thomas More in Utopia describe the conditions of 16th century England? Flawed social institutions/greed were responsible for human corruption 10. In the period 1450 to 1550â€â€how would you explain the major differences between society in Renaissance Italy and the societies of France and England? France and England were more religious and the Renaissance was a development of broad social reform based on Christian ideals. Identify the following 16th century Catholic figures: [only need to know that Teresa of Avila promoted emotionalism and a personal relationship with God] 2. The ideas of Martin Luther and John Calvin were similar that: they maintained the sacraments of communion and baptism. 3. The art entitled the Passional of Christ and Antichrist reflect: the Lutheran movement rejected corrupt practices of the Roman Catholic church 4. The Council of Trent (1545-1563) is significant because it ended pluralism and absenteeism, raised the standards of the clergy, and reaffirmed Catholic practices. 5. What European ruler posed the biggest obstacle to the spread of Protestantism in the 16th century? Charles V 6. Ignatius Loyola: created Society of Jesus and helped convert much of Europe back to Catholicism 7. Discuss the doctrine of the Anglican Church under Henry VIII: the king is the head of the church, was a permanent break with Rome, dissolved English monasteries for their wealth, and was between Catholicism and Protestantism 8. Identify the results of the Treaty of Westphalia: ended conflict over religious faiths and recognized the sovereignty of German princes CHAPTER 15: EXPLORATION 1. The first European explorer to find an all-water route to India by rounding the southern tip of Africa was Vasco de Gama. 2. Given information about each of these explorers, look at those who may have been opposed to the cruel treatment of American Indians in the 16th century New World: a) Francisco pizarro- conquered Incans, and landed in Peru b) Christopher Columbus- discovered Caribbean, cruel to the natives c) Bartolome de Las Casas- Spanish missionary, wanted to end Indian slavery, started black slavery d) Tomas de Torquemada- headed Spanish Inquisition e) Philip II- not an explorer, funded the voyages 21. Identify technological innovations and advancements used in navigation during the 16th century: ship cannon, astrolabe, caravel, magnetic compass 22. What country was the first to introduce African slavery to the New World? Portugal 23. Identify some immediate causes of the Thirty Years’ War. Defenestration of Prague [act of throwing someone out a window] 24. Explain the impact of the commercial revolution had on Western European Society: more developed towns, powerful nation-states, age of competition for overseas colonies, inflation, bourgeoisie influence increased, and increase in standard of living 25. Explain the role the Dutch Republic played in trade and finance during the first half of the 17th century: started taking control of Portuguese and Spanish holdings in the New World, controlling overseas trade, and one of the largest powers in trade 26. Explain the role that Henry IV of France played in politics: ended France’s civil war and used practical compromises to solve political issues [sacrificed religion for political necessity Identify causes of the English civil war: personality of King Charles I, decline of power of the English monarchy, broadening the ship tax, clashes with Scots, and a response to threats made against Parliament 28. Explain the political theories of Jacques-Benign Bossuet: strongly believed in the divine right of kings and political absolutism 29. Identify the results of the glorious Revolution in England: bill of rights including religious freedom for Catholics, sole power of Parliament [on test: did not reject mercantilism] 30. Explain the important consequences of the Treaty of Utrecht (1713): set the limits where one power could expand and completed the decline of Spain 31. Explain the major difference between the societies of eastern and western Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries: the extent of control the nobility had over the peasantry (Eastern Europe’s peasants suffered a downward shift in rights compared to Western Europe’s peasants gaining rights). Identify and explain the role the Fredrick William the â€Å"Great Elector†had in the 1640s to 1680s: duke of Prussiaâ€â€promoted trade and domestic reforms that helped turn Prussia into a European power 33, Explain some of the accomplishments of Peter the Great: a ruler that brought many Western influences to modernize Russia, increase serfdom, and developed the Baltic region of Russia 34. How did the Ottoman Empire maintain control of southeastern Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries? Forced Christian children into the military [conscription] 35. Identify some of Catherine the Great’s achievements: defeated the Ottoman Turks, gained land in Poland, abolished torture, established religious toleration, education for girls, and established the Legislative commission. 36. What was King Louis XIV’s Edict of Fontainebleau? What did it replace? Revoked the edict of Nantes and replaced the Peace of Augsburg 37. The key to economic prosperity of the Dutch Republic in the early 16th century was: religious toleration and cosmopolitan culture CHAPTER 18: ENLIGHTENMENT 38. Explain who Voltaire is and his role in politics. French enlightenment writer that promoted civil liberties such as religious toleration and was a great philosopher 39. Explain who Cardinal Richelieu is and his role in politics: reshuffled the royal council, divided France into 32 districts, executed and controlled aristocrats 40. Explain what deism is: a belief based on a more secular view of the universe 41. Isaac Newton’s Principia (1687) was very important in science because it demonstrated how the world worked though explainable, natural forces 42. Francis bacon is also an important person during the Scientific Revolution because he started the scientific method and thought to reject everything unless you could prove it 43. Vesalius is also an important person during the scientific revolution because he founded modern anatomy and wrote the most influential book on human anatomy. 44. Explain the Catholic Church’s response to Copernicus’s heliocentric theory: the church responded slowly but generally did not support it as it was contradictory to the previous beliefs 45. Explain the Catholic Church’s response to Galileo: the Church tried him for heresy, forced him to recant, and spend the rest of his life in house arrest 46. Jean-Jacques Rousseau and his political (government) beliefs: the ruler is determined by the general will of the people (which may not be the majority) and must serve it or the people will rebel 47. Identify the â€Å"Enlightened Rulers†and the countries they ruled: Fredrick the Great- Prussia; Catherine the Great- Russia; Joseph II and Maria Theresa- Austria 48. What was the persistent foreign policy that threatened the Austrian Hapsburgs between 1525 and 1700? Turkish advances into Eastern and Central Europe CHAPTER 19: EXPANSION OF EUROPE 49. Explain some of the consequences of the agricultural revolution in the 18th century: rotation of crops 50. Explain Adam Smith’s political and economic viewpoints: he was critical of mercantilism and the government’s role in economics; he wanted a free market economy [laizee faire economics] and wanted a system of natural liberty CHAPTER 20: CHANGING LIFE OF THE PEOPLE What disease were Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and Edward Jenner able to control? Small pox 52. During the 18th century, how were children treated, or reared? [On test: middle class families became more child centered and nurturing] CHAPTER 21: FRENCH REVOLUTION AND NAPOLEON 53. Napoleon’s acceptance of the Concordat of 1801 resulted in: improved relations between the French Government and Roman Catholic Church 54. What social group was able to maintain most of its gains during the French Revolution and Napoleonic era? The peasantry 55. Explain the Tennis Court Oath. Who was involved, who was this about, and the end result. The 3 French estates were in a deadlock over a National Assembly; the 3rd estate broke off and created their own National Assembly, vowing to not disband their National Assembly until a constitution was created 56. Explain the Continental System under Napoleon Bonaparte: was meant to exclude British goods in trade but was not successful 57. Explain what French society was prior to the French Revolution: the bourgeoisie had financial wealth and power, but few legal rights because they were excluded from the other classes 58. Explain how the English Civil War and the French Revolution were similar: after the revolts, the ruling classes in power previous to the revolt returned to power afterwards 59. The most radical phase of the French Revolution occurred during the National Convention 60. What was Olympe de Gouges role during the French Revolution? Worked with women during the revolutionâ€â€spokesperson for women’s rights CHAPTER 22: THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 61. What were the conditions that allowed England to industrialize? Expanding Atlantic economy, strong position in Latin America, colonization in the Americas, involvement in slave trade 62. The following inventions were necessary for the development of the industrial Revolution.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Europe In 2010 :: essays research papers
Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) is a single currency area within the European Union single market in which people, goods, services and capital move without restrictions. It creates the framework for economic growth and stability and is underpinned by an independent central bank and legal obligations on the participating Member States to pursue sound economic policies and to coordinate these policies very closely. As trade between the EU Member States reaches 60% of their total trade, EMU is the natural complement of the single market. This market will work more efficiently and deliver its benefits more fully with the removal of high transaction costs brought about by currency conversions and the uncertainties linked to exchange rate instability. EMU and the economic performance of the Euro area will have their largest external effects on neighboring economies in western Europe and on developing and transition countries with important trade and financial links to Europe, including countries that link their currencies to the Euro. Among emerging market economies, those likely to be most affected are the transition countries of the central and Eastern Europe and the Baltics. The global environment has been favorable in a number of respects for the transition to EMU and the achievements of its objectives. The strong demand for euro-area exports from industrial countries at more advanced stages of the business cycle and the depreciation of the currencies of euro area countries over the past four years fostered a strengthening of growth in the euro area and helped to offset the effects of the Asian crisis. There are also challenges for EMU in the global economic environment: The crisis in Asia and other emerging market economies could produce adverse spillover effects and make the monetary policy more difficult to carry out. The continuation of the crisis could result in weakening of the external demand, which, in turn, could dampen confidence and domestic demand. The financial market volatility could increase the uncertainty in assessing the economic indicators. The economic crisis in emerging markets could influence the commercial banks in the euro- area to make substantial provisions for non-performing loans. THE FUTURE OF EURO It is, of course, impossible to predict the properties of the behavior of the exchange value of the Euro. With regard to broad trend, it seems likely that the Euro will tend to appreciate against the U.S. dollar and pound sterling over the next few years, but depreciate against the Japanese yen when Japan’s economic recovery begins. The United Kingdom and the United States have
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Reseach on Performance Work Systems in Local Councils the Case of Harare City Council in Zimbabwe Essay
1.0 Introduction This chapter forms the basis of the study on the assessment on the role of high performance work systems have on Harare city council workers for effective and efficiency service delivery. This paper is going to provide a background of the study stating the problem, purpose and importance of the study. To add to the above, the objective, anticipated constraints and research questions, including literature review and research methodology are going to be highlighted. 1.1 Background of the study Performance has been a widely researched subject by most social scientist and industrial psychologist in an attempt to establish what motivates people to do what they do, and why they do it. An organisational performance has always been an issue for managers, as it is believed that satisfied workers tend to be more productive, creative and committed to their jobs. There is therefore need to establish whether high performance work systems are what bring satisfactory performance or there are other factors. High performance work systems is a complex and multifaceted concept, which can mean different things to different people. However, the researcher in this study attempted to establish the role of high performance systems, whether it brings positive or negative results with particular attention at Harare City Council. 1.2 Statement of the problem The dilemma at hand is that the Harare city council workers are said to be hindering the performance circles of which are of particular appeal to affect the residents. The council provide services to the residents which are not helpful but only distract them from developing their communities in the proper manner they desire. This is happening due to the failure by the council to carry out good research on its performance since today employees are expected to work in teams rather than solely on their own. They are expected to keep learning new skills and to assume broader roles through the employment security, selective hiring of new personnel, self-managed teams and decentralization of decision making as the basic principles of organizational design, comparatively high compensation contingent on organizational performance, extensive training, reduced status distinctions and barriers including dress, language office arrangements, and wage differences across levels, extensive sharing o f financial and performance information throughout the organisation. 1.3 Objectives of the study 1 To investigate and establish the role of high performance work systems in relation to organisational performance as this affects the service delivery. 2 To establish what causes poor performance and service delivery in the organisation. 3 To find out ways of maintaining and improving staff loyalty, motivation and performance. 4 To recommend on changes to improve council performance and staff welfare policy. 1.4 Significance of the study As a researcher it is of paramount importance to conduct a study on the role of high performance work systems by the local authority. One can easily notice that it is important to carry out this research as it: The research findings of this research were also intended to assist management in addressing concerns and expectations of staff in order to harness their full contribution and effort to the benefit of the organization. The organization would then use the research findings to redesign its human resources policies towards the workers welfare and provide the answers to the questions presented on the sub problems of the research problem. Employees could use the research as a platform to express their concerns and desires to management, which they would not probably get, and also use it as a reference point to those who would intend to do their own researches. 1.5 Literature review Review of related literature is the most important part of research. It refers to the systematic exploration of issues related to the one’s research which has been treated to date by various authors and authorities. According to the high performance work systems Assessment, â€Å"by social impacts we mean the consequences to human populations of any public or private actions that alter the ways in which people live, work, play, relate to one another, organise to meet their needs and generally cope as members of society.†The concept of high performance work systems and organisational performance High performance work systems have been defined as a distinctive managerial approach that enables high performance through people. (1987). High performance work systems are somewhat not quite the same as motivation, but the two are closely linked. Many thoughts and views have been developed to define performance at work but much of it explains one’s reaction, feelings and emotions towards the accomplishment of organisational goals. Many research studies were however founded to explain how people react in the manner they do in their jobs. Various factors have been associated with one’s performance. These factors include: * The level of pay and benefits, * The perceived fairness of the promotion system within a company, * The quality of the working conditions, * Leadership and social relationships * The job itself. Different models were developed to account for the attitudes that people develop at various situations. The following models of job satisfaction shall be discussed to aid the understanding of high performance work systems at work. Classical theories of Maslow (1943), Herzberg (1968) and Vroom in relation to high performance work systems have been the basis of the modern day studies. Abram Maslow proposed a hierarchical theory of five needs, which gained popularity over the years and formed a basis for management studies to human motivation at work. Having been simplified by Clayton Alderfer made a fine-tuning to the hierarchical explanations of human needs to that of three levels. Abbreviated to ERG, (Existence, Relatedness and Growth), Existence needs constituted Maslow’s physiological and safety needs, and Relatedness included internal esteem and social needs and lastly, the Growth stage was made up of self actualisation and external esteem needs. The Wikipedia encyclopaedia cited various models of which can help to explain high performance work systems that were written to by different authors as follows: * The two-factor theory * The job characteristics model * The fulfilment theory * The equity theory These models shall be discussed below to aid the research to find the basis of high performance work systems in the workplace. Theories of Employee Motivation for performance The two-factor theory This theory also known as the motivator-hygiene theory is the work of Fredrick Herzberg (1968). The theory is on the premise that employee satisfaction has two dimensions namely â€Å"hygiene†and â€Å"motivation†. (Agarwal.1983). According to Herzberg, Hygiene factors include those aspects such as company policies, supervision, salary, interpersonal relations and working conditions. Motivators include those aspects that satisfy people such as achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility and advancement. The model was criticised by researchers who failed to empirically measure of satisfaction as being a methodological artefact. (Wikipedia encyclopaedia). High performance work systems characteristics Model The model was proposed by Hackman and Oldham (1976), which states that there are five core job characteristics, which impact three critical psychological states. The five core job characteristics include: * Skill variety: employees use a variety of skills to complete their jobs, skills that have been acquired by long years of study and/ or experience and are the primary reason for their employment and work allocation in a business organisation * Task identity: involvement of the employee in all steps of the job, thus providing identification with the task. * Task significance: The significance of the job being properly executed to the well being of the organisation. * Autonomy: The freedom to do the job with responsibility and by oneself. * Feedback: The provision of feedback providing information about the excellence of performance of the job. The three psychological states include: * Experienced meaningfulness, * Experienced responsibility for outcomes, and * Knowledge of the actual results. The Fulfilment theory According to Agarwal (1983), fulfilment theory regard satisfaction as resulting from outcomes (rewards) a person receives or the extents to which a person’s needs are satisfied. The difficulty with the fulfilment approach is that satisfaction is a function of not only what a person receives but also what he feels he should receive and/or wants to receive. People have different expectations and what satisfies one may dissatisfy another. Equity Theory According to literature by Agarwal (1983), a person’s satisfaction is determined by his perceived equity. Received equity is, in turn, determined by his input-output balance as compared to his comparison others’ input-output balance. Input-output balance is a perceived ratio of what a person receives from his job relative to what he put in the job. According to the equity theory, either under reward or over reward can lead to dissatisfaction although the feeling associated with them are different. As illustrated by the following diagram the comparison may result in one feeling unfairly treated when outcome received appears lower than others or feels guilty when received more than others. The equity theory A Perceived outcomes actually received A = B Satisfaction A < B Dissatisfaction A > B Guilty and discomfort Perceived personal input B Perceived personal outcome that should be received Perceived outcome of comparison others Perceived input of comparison others Fig 1.Equity Theory (Agarwal 1983) Determinants of high performance work systems Agarwal (1983) says that there are various factors that determine performance. These are discussed below. Employee Supervision As with Herzberg hygiene factors, supervision is critical to provide leadership to employees’ performance. A good leader is one who establishes trust from his followers and promotes feedback. He knows how to treat employees at different situations. Research has shown that low performance and low productivity occurs when a supervisor is a laissez faire type of leader. Agarwal (1983). Research has also discovered that those people’s reason to seek employment is to get paid (money) though not a motivator but they desire to be paid fairly. Management must always ensure consult for salaries and benefits to see whether their employees match the market. (Putting Theory Into Practice, October 1999 publication) The work group in relation to employee performance Employees need to socialise with others to create an environment of belongingness, develop a sense of camaraderie and teamwork. Social interaction creates organisational performance though depending on their affiliation. Inappropriate behaviour should not be encouraged though because of influences, but strong reprimands should be exercised. (Putting Theory Into Practice, October 1999 publication) Job content in relation to high performance work systems Employees need to feel that the work or task they are doing is of great importance to the company. Their contributions result in positive outcomes. It is therefore essential for management to recognise as an important a task to the overall achievement of the organizational goals. Agarwal cited Herzberg, Mauner and Suyderman as holding a view that job content factors such as achievement, recognition, advancement, responsibility and the work itself tend to provide satisfaction but their absence such as supervision, working condition, company policies and salary tend to produce dissatisfaction but their presence does not produce satisfaction. Age in relation to performance According to Agarwal (1983), some research works have reported a positive correlation between age and performance. Older workers tend to be more satisfied with their jobs than their younger counterparts because older workers are said to have adjusted to their jobs while young workers still have ambitions and need for advancement. Job Satisfaction and performance The analysis of results from the work of Herzberg et al, on twenty-six studies focusing on the relationship between job satisfaction and performance, fourteen of these showed that workers with positive job attitudes had higher performance than those with negative attitudes. Nine studies have shown that job attitudes and performance were not related, and in three studies, workers with positive attitudes had poorer performance records than those with negative attitudes. Lawler, 1977 and Porter, 1961, hold the view that it is productivity that leads to satisfaction and not the vice versa. Performance leads to rewards and if these rewards are considered to be equitable in relation to the perception of the worker of the rewards of his referent others and his perceptions of what he should receive, he will experience satisfaction. The following is the illustrative diagram. Model of performance leading to satisfaction Perceived equity of rewards in relation to referent others Performance Reward intrinsic & extrinsic Satisfaction Perception of how much he should receive Fig 2.Source: Agarwal 1983: Model of performance leading to satisfaction Adapted from Lawler III & Porter â€Å"The effect of Performance on job satisfaction†, Human relations, October, 1967 P23 1.5 Justification of the study The area of discussion is worth studying because it aims at alerting the management of the Harare City Council how their service provision are being hindered by the employee performance, thus organisational performance is affected as well. As such the research is vital as it will help in gathering or adding information on the importance of high performance work systems being as well as its importance to the Ministry of local government urban and rural development. The Minister will be able to see if there are any amendments which need to be done and if there are any gaps left which need to be filled. Furthermore the research will see the researcher attain the ultimate goal for a Bachelor of science Honours degree in Local Governance Studies 1.6 Research Methodology Various techniques will be exploited to achieve the proposed objectives of the study. Haralambos (1995:36) asserts that: Any academic subject requires methodology to reach its Conclusions, it must have ways of producing and analysing Data so that theories can be tested, accepted or rejected without a systematic way of producing knowledge the findings can be dismissed. The researcher is going to use both quantitative and qualitative techniques to come up with conclusions as both techniques can be used to complement each other as well as questionnaires. According to (2011), quantitative research is the numerical representation and manipulation of observations for the purpose of describing and explaining the phenomena that those observations reflect. It is bent on developing and employing mathematical models. On the other hand, Qualitative research is a method of inquiry appropriated in any different disciplines. It means a non numerical data collection or explanation based on the attributes of the source of data. Qualitative research is used to gain insight into people’s behaviour, attitudes, value systems, motivations concerns, aspirations, culture or lifestyles. Christensen (1994) expressed that a sample makes a better study. Leedy (1993) agreed with the same idea saying that, â€Å"the larger the sample the better.†I wil l select the people that are going to give relevant information to this study for example the most affected people and the possible problem solvers. 1.7 Research Tools (a) Interviews (Group The researcher intends to use interviews as a research technique. Gray et al (2007) allude that the best data gathering technique for survey research is the interview. These interviews will be done in groups so as to save time. (b) Observation The researcher will use observation in tackling the research problem. The rationale for using this technique is that the researcher intends to learn about the sensitive issues that participants might be unwilling to disclose or talk about with regards to the research. (c) Analysis of secondary sources The researcher will make use of other researchers that have been studied in relation to the field under study. This will be done in order to weigh the impacts that the previous researchers have had. Target Population The study will be focussing on the Harare City Council employees. Anticipated constrains Wikipedia (2011:4) notes that any limit or restriction given for the design process is called a constraint. The study is likely to encounter a number of challenges which may compromise the quality of research results and these include: (a)Access to information The information is mostly confidential in the Harare City Council thus releasing information might be problematic. Some may be reluctant to disclose such information as such the respondents will be guaranteed that their information will be treated with utmost privacy and confidentiality. (b)Resources Resources such as time and finance may compromise the quality of the research as the researcher is a student with other university commitments RESEARCH REFERENCE LIST Argawal R.D.(1983) Organisation and Management, Mcgraw-Hill, Tata Boxall P., Macky K. & Rasmussen E., (2003)‘Labour turnover and retention in New Zealand; the causes and consequences of leaving and staying with employers’ Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources. Vol 41 (2)., Cascio, W.F. (2003) Managing Human Resources: Productivity, quality of work Life profits (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill Irwin. French, W.L. (1998) Human Resources Management. Boston, New York: Houghton Mifflin Company Ivancevich et al (1989):Foundations of Personnel ,Human Resources Management Kreitner, R., & Kinicki, A. (2001) Organisational behaviour (5th ed.). Irwin McGraw-Hill. Milkovich, G.T., & Boudreau, J.W. (1994) Human Resource Management (7th ed.). IRWIN Publishers, USA. Morrell W. H., Loan-Clarke J. & Wilkinson J (2004), ‘Organisational change and employee turnover’, Personnel Review, vol 33 (2) Morris W.T. (1972). Management for Action: Psycho Technical Decision making. Reston. Mowday, R., Porter, L., & Steers, R. (1982) Employee-organizations linkages – The Psychology of commitment, absenteeism and turnover: Academic Press, .London Rhodes, S.R., & Steers, R.M. (1990)., Managing employee absenteeism Addison: Wesley Publishing Company, USA Spector, P.E. (1997)., Job satisfaction: Application, assessment, causes and Consequences: SAGE Publications, USA Van der Merwe, R., & Miller, S.(1988),. Measuring absence and labour turnover: A Practical guide to recording and control. Lexicon Publishers., J
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
IntroductionDialectical Behavioral Therapy is a cognitive behavioral model of psychotherapy used primarily to treat individuals diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). The treatment was manualized in 1993 (Linehan, 1993a; Linehan, 1993b) and met criteria as an empirically validated, well-established treatment for BPD in 2001 (Koons et al, 2001). DBT has also been found to be effective in a range of treatment settings with a variety of populations.The empirically based treatment of DBT is a series of cognitive behavioral strategies that are applied to BPD populations. The approach provides psycho-social skills training to encourage development of effective cognitive, emotional, and behavioral skills. Learning DBT skills increases a client's ability to achieve positive outcomes by systematically developing effective coping mechanisms, and facilitating the decrease of maladaptive behaviors (Linehan, 1993a; Linehan, 1993b).The characteristics that distinguish DBT are: (1) t he immediate focus on acceptance and validation; (2) the emphasis on treating behavior that interferes with therapy; (3) the emphasis on the therapeutic relationship; (4) the focus on dialectics, synthesis, and process (Linehan, 1993a).DBT Theoretical FrameworkDBT is based upon a dialectal view of human behavior consisting of three primary principles. The first principle is one of interrelatedness and wholeness: a system must be analyzed as a totality, as the parts are temporary and only exist in relation to the whole. The second principle is polarity: reality is not static but is made up of opposing forces, that when integrated, create a new set of opposing forces.The third principle is continuous change: the tension between oppositional yet connected parts produces a process of change, rather than a structure, which is an underlying condition of human nature (Linehan, 1993a).In the DBT process, change occurs in the midst of dialectical tension. This tension is a process created by the client's attempt to maintain homeostasis, while the therapist uses persuasion techniques to support the client's process of self-transformation. The therapist overcomes the client's resistance by on-going dialogue with the client that is both encouraging and directive (Linehan, 1993a).One of the core components of DBT is increasing the capacity to regulate emotions (Linehan, 1993a). Among persons suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder, the inability to regulate emotions results in emotional vulnerability and maladaptive strategies for coping. Emotional vulnerability is defined by (1) high sensitivity to emotional stimuli, (2) intense response to emotional sensitivity, and (3) difficulty reducing the sensitivity and returning to a normal emotional baseline.Similar to Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), DBT also includes ongoing self-monitoring of behaviors, realistic treatment goals, a strong therapeutic alliance, and treatment compliance. Client agreement in the manualize d treatment includes, but is not limited to the following: (1) A commitment to a one year, renewable agreement, (2) Compliance to the weekly meetings and attendance, (3) Notification to the therapist in advance if they are unable to attend scheduled therapy sessions, (4) Confidentiality in group settings, (5) Willingness to work on any and all problems that interfere with therapy, (6) Agreement in group treatment settings to not form personal or sexual relationships with other group members, (8) Commitment to not come to therapy under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and (9) Willingness to participate in both individual and group treatment if appropriate (Linehan, 1993a; Linehan, 1993b).Therapist agreements in the manualized treatment include but are not limited to: (1) Professional and reasonable effort to conduct therapy with client, (2) Adherence to ethical guidelines, (3) Attendance at all scheduled sessions, and if unable, agreement to reschedule with advance notice, (4) Agre ement to respect the autonomy and integrity of the client, and (5) Confidentiality within the confines of the law (Linehan, 1993a).DBT PhilosophyIn order to truly examine DBT, it is first important to examine how Marsha Linehan designed DBT to treat BPD. In her book Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder, Linehan (1993 a) described DBT as the application of cognitive and behavioral therapy strategies to help work through problems.DBT is based on a dialectical philosophy that emphasizes reality as an interrelated system composed of opposing forces that are continuously changing. At the core of this philosophy is accepting the client as they are while assisting to promote healthy change. Linehan (1993a) further described DBT as:The emphasis on assessment; data collection on current behaviors; precise operational definition of treatment targets' a collaborative working relationship between therapist and patient, including attention to orienting the patient to the therapy program and mutual commitment to treatment goals; application of standard cognitive and behavior therapy techniques, (p. 19)DBT therapists use treatment procedures such as problem solving, exposure techniques, skill training, contingency management, and cognitive modification to help clients find new ways of working through the problems that brought them into therapy. DBT â€Å"requires that the therapist balance change and acceptance in each interaction with the patient†(Linehan, 1993a, p. 19).This treatment philosophy along with the application of problem-solving and validation strategies becomes the DBT process (Linehan, 1993a). DBT â€Å"blends a matter of fact, somewhat irreverent, and at times outrageous attitude about current and previous parasuicidal and other dysfunctional behaviors with therapist warmth, flexibility, responsiveness to the client, and strategic self-disclosure†(Linehan, 1993a, p. 19).DBT works to reframe suicidal and other dysfu nctional behaviors that had previously been part of the clients learned problem solving patterns. Therapy focuses on active problem solving and is balanced with a corresponding emphasis on validating the client's current emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses as they are in that moment. Focus on dialectics and the balance of acceptance and change are crucial elements of the DBT process (Linehan, 1993b).DialecticsAlthough DBT has similarities to standard cognitive and behavioral techniques, it also has many defining characteristics that make it a unique treatment. It is important to review the key elements of DBT in order to extend its application to a population such as BPD. For example, DBT emphasizes dialectics. Dialectics can be described as the â€Å"reconciliation of opposites in a continual process of synthesis†(Linehan, 1993a, p. 19). It stresses â€Å"interrelatedness and wholeness, parts of a system is of limited value unless the analysis clearly relates th e part to the whole†(Linehan, 1993a, p. 19).DBT therapists work with clients to examine a more global meaning to what had previously been polarized as extreme ideas or thoughts. Linehan stated that the most fundamental dialectic is the necessity of accepting patients as they are within a context of trying to teach them to change. Linehan continued by stating that â€Å"reality is not static, but is comprised of internal opposing forces, thesis and antithesis, out of whose integration (synthesis) evolves a new set of opposing forces†(Linehan, 1993a, p. 19).Linehan described how although dialectics focus on the whole, they also emphasize how complex the whole can be, including the oppositions they contain. With this notion in mind, DBT places an emphasis on acceptance as a balance to change (Linehan, 1993a). DBT therefore focuses on accepting the client for who he or she is in the moment, while also working toward more effective behaviors and ways of interacting with on e's present experience and the environment.In addition, DBT emphasizes the necessity of teaching clients to accept themselves and their world as they are in the moment. Linehan discussed how this unique strategy works well with BPD because it provides the validating environment so crucial to those with injured self-esteems. She also discussed the importance of providing a structured setting to learn and practice new skills.DBT includes both acceptance of the patient's experiences including validation of their emotional pain and suffering, and offering new psychological coping strategies that include a refocus on meaning and substance in their life, exposure to previously ‘intolerated' emotions, prevention of emotional escape, and introduction of a behavior focus. (Marra, 2005, p. 7) This behavior focus includes â€Å"goal orientation and new solution-based strategies to replace maladaptive coping skills†(Marra, 2005, p. 7).An important caveat to remember as treatment p rogresses is that there is a natural process of change that occurs as treatment progresses. Linehan discussed how DBT assumes that reality is a process full of movement and change. Therefore, immediate client stability and consistency are not a focus. Conversely, acceptance and movement with change are key elements of this process. The therapist and client work together in a changing relationship and a changing environment (Linehan, 1993 a).In her work with individuals who struggled with self-injurious and suicidality, Linehan utilized dialectics and the philosophy of balancing acceptance with change to enhance treatment effectiveness. She also observed that most of her clients presented with BPD characteristics. As such, she incorporated dialectical philosophy as the bedrock of her treatment when designing DBT for individuals with BPD characteristics.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Cask of Amontillado Essay Essay Example
The Cask of Amontillado Essay Essay Example The Cask of Amontillado Essay Essay The Cask of Amontillado Essay Essay Rocio Cruz Professor Fred Kille English 102 February 3, 2013 The Cask of Amontillado Essay â€Å"A wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes its redresser. It is equally unredressed when the avenger fails to make himself as such to him who has done the wrong†Some people are driven to do wrong by enviousness and Edgar Allan Poe’s short story â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†is one good example of such. The story tells the event of the murder of Fortunato in the hands of Montresor, the narrator. Although many critics argue that Montresor acted out of self- righteousness, one cannot conclude such due to the lack of credibility that can be accounted to him and his malice. Montresor is an unreliable, malicious narrator who shows to have contrasting feelings of guilt and remorse towards his crime against killing Fortunato. Montresor, through his own telling of the events, showed not only that he is not accountable for credibility but he also showed that his main motif to kill Fortunato was enviousness. Perhaps the most revealing reason to asses that Montresor is not a just person is that he lacked evidence to condemn Fortunato. For instance, Montresor opens the story by saying â€Å"the thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge. †These latter lines are all the reader knows of Fortuno’s presumed crime which suggests that there was no concrete wrongdoing from Fortuno after all; therefore revealing that Montresor acted without proof and out of malice. In further support of the claim that the narrator is bad-natured is that he also shows to be a cynic. Throughout the story he constantly refers to Fortunato as â€Å"my friend†. The fact that Montresor does not use negative words to refer to Fortunato tells the audience that he is attempting to protect his self-image and that he acted with hypocrisy. By the same token, the way Montresor talks about Fortuno conveys that he was somewhat envious. While they were already in Montreso’s mansion, he admits to Fortuno â€Å"your health is precious. You are rich, respected, admired, beloved; you are happy, as once I was†. This words are enough to disclose that Montreso was jealous of the place that Fortunato held in society; perhaps implying that Montresor himself once occupied the same place. Not only does Montresor show that he murdered Fortunato unjustifiably but he also seems to live with mixed feelings of guilt and remorse. Following his atrocity, the narrator of the story seems to live with guilty responsibility of killing Fortunato counteracting what many people believe. Montresor’s remorse came right after the crime was committed. â€Å"There came forth in return only a jingling of the bells. My heart grew sick-on account of the dampness of the catacombs,†says Montresor. To clarify, the narrator first admits that he felt unease in his heart and then, almost like trying to convince himself, he attributes this feeling to the â€Å"dampness of the catacombs†showing that his conscience was the true causer of this heart â€Å"sickness†. Another clue that tells the reader that Montresor felt guilty is that, although no one certainly knows who the intended audience of the story is, he is conceivably justifying himself to God. In the first paragraph of the story, Montresor says, â€Å"You, who so well know the nature of my soul, will not suppose, however, that I gave utterance to a threat†. By admitting that â€Å"You†knows â€Å"the nature of [his] soul†the reader can draw the conclusion that it might be someone divine who he is talking to for who else would know him so well? In the same manner, he is asking this divine being to not judge his crime so heavily for he did not simply â€Å"give utterance to a threat†. Likewise, another fact that serves as evidence that Montresor is that he is telling the events fifty years later. This goes to show that the event has haunted the narrator for half a century since he not only recalls everything but is taking the time to tell the story. The narrator of â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†showed, through his own telling of the events, not only an unreliable narrator but also an envious man that is now living in remorse. The events that led to the assassination of Fortunato do not excuse Montresor as he believes they do. From the way in which Montresor â€Å"brags†his â€Å"perfect crime†the reader can draw the conclusion that he is not but a malicious member of society who tries to justify his wrongdoings by attributing them to the honor of him and his famiy.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Control Your Bad Temper Before You Explode at Work
How to Control Your Bad Temper Before You Explode at Work It’s easy to get angered- even at work. Anger can be a normal and productive human emotion, but it can also take a toll on your relationships- professional and personal- and it’s not always best aired in the office. Here are a few tips for keeping your cool in stressful or unfair situations. So next time you find your blood boiling over that inappropriate email, try moderating your response to save your sanity and your professional reputation.1. Take a moment.Take a step back. Take a deep breath. Try to view the situation as you would if you were an indifferent third party. Try to avoid having a purely emotional reaction and analyze the situation. Will you still be angry about this in a year? If not, move on. Think before you speak or react because your reaction could always make the situation even worse.2. Be the reasonable one.In situations with high emotions or raised voices, be the sea of calm- the person who, in a low and rational tone of voice, diffuses the situat ion. This will help show that you are not the aggressor, which might help the actual aggressor to see the contrast and adjust accordingly.3. Don’t take things personally.Some things are personal. But in the business world, they’re usually not- especially if you’re an entrepreneur and your business just is personal to you, try to remember that it isn’t for your clients. Put yourself in others’ shoes and try to practice patience.4. Walk away.If you feel like you’re going to explode, try to remove yourself from the touchy situation before that happens. You’ll save yourself and everyone else involved the embarrassment, plus give yourself some time to rethink, regroup, and restrategize.5. Speak from a place of calm.If you’ve got a legitimate grievance, you should air it. Just make sure you’re doing so via appropriate channels and you’re doing so when you’re calm enough to state your concerns without being hur tful or vengeful to others, and without relying on intensified emotion to make your case.6. Take a time out.Take some you time. Go for a walk. Take a few deep breaths. Hit the gym- the oxygen or the endorphins will help to physically calm you. You never know how much less angry you will feel once you’ve calmed down a bit. Nothing is ever as fraught as it feels in the heat of the moment. Relaxation skills are your friend.7. Come up with solutions.Are there constructive ways you could fix the situation or improve the outcome? A way to schedule a meeting to discuss disconnects or disgruntlements? A better way forward? Come up with a way to avoid these situations in the first place and you’ll be everybody’s hero.8. Say â€Å"I.†Sticking with I statements is a great way to try and find a resolution to a situation without angering anyone else or increase tension. Talk about why you are upset, not what others have done to make you so. And don’t hold grudg es. Allow yourself to forgive, forget, and move on from tense situations rather than stewing in the bitterness and injustice of it all or harboring ill feelings about your colleagues or boss.9. Crack a joke.Nothing diffuses a situation quiet like humor. Don’t make any jokes at anyone else’s expense, but see if you can’t find a lighthearted or funny comment that would put everyone- including yourself- at greater ease.10. Get help if you need it.If you still have a really hard time controlling your anger, then it might be a good idea for you to get some help. Especially if you feel your anger is easily out of control. Getting a handle on this will save you a lot of hurt and regret over the course of your life and career.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
SUSTAINABLITY IN THE DESIGNED ENVIRONMENT - Assignment Example This has lead to the rising demand and need for carbon footprint calculations. There are several approaches that have been proposed to provide estimates ranging from simple online calculators to sophisticated life cycle analysis. Despite these approaches, a definite definition for carbon footprint has not been established. According to Wackernagel (1996), carbon footprint is generally termed as the quantity of gaseous amount that contribute towards global warming. The sources of carbon could be human production and consumption activities. The ISA Research Report (p. 4) defines carbon footprint as a measure of elusive total amount of carbon dioxide emissions directly or indirectly caused by an activity in its life stages. These activities include individual activities, populations, government, companies, organizations, processes, industries, among others. According to this definition, carbon footprint is restricted from area-based indicator. The total amount of carbon is measured in mass units such as kilograms and tons. This form of measurement does not give room to area unit hence there is no conversion to area unit such as ha, m ², and km ². Conversion into land area must be based on various assumptions and this increases uncertainties and errors related to particular footprint estimates. This is the main reason why accountants prefer to use appropriate units of measurement. The concept of carbon footprint should be all-encompassing and issue relative causes that lead to the rise of carbon emissions. Accurate measurement of carbon footprint ripples importance and precariousness in carbon offsetting. When considering indirect quantities of carbon emissions, the methodologies applied should eradicate undercounting and double counting of emissions. This substantiates the inclusion of the word ‘exclusive’ in the definition for carbon footprint. Life-cycle
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Airline industry applications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Airline industry applications - Essay Example With the help of using different mobile applications such as QLOUD and Knowledge-driven In-flight Solution (KIS), it is easy to access distinct sorts of information anytime and in anywhere (Ravichandran, 2011). In earlier times, the mobile applications were used in a modest way; however, these have been progressed in this modern day context providing advanced facilities to the people. Mobile applications can be defined as software or programs that are used in mobile devices (Islam, Islam & Mazumder, 2015). The airline industry generally uses the above stated mobile technologies or mobile applications amongst others to enhance the service processes and also offering best services to the passengers. In this modern day context, the global airline industry is identified to use mobile applications for deriving cost-effective solutions in their respective operational functions. It can be apparently observed that the worldwide airline industry has changed with significant improvements made in the respective business processes by using mobile technology. These improvements could be reckoned as developing the facility of electronic ticket and introducing the system of online check-in. By using mobile applications, it can be inferred that the airline industry is able to ensure providing better and quality services to the customers with having greater control over costs to be incurred during the process (NIIT, 2012). There are several airline based companies that have become much popular for providing quality services to the users by the use of distinct mobile applications. In this regard, such airline companies include Qatar Airways, Emirates Airways, British Airways and United Airlines. These four popular airline companies use different mobile applications including QLOUD, KIS, electronic or wireless bag tag and Travel card and Travel wallet. These mobile apps have been taken into concern for discussion while comparing the same amid
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Mini business plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Mini business plan - Assignment Example rpose and scope of this plan is to provide particular information about the industry and to highlight the critical areas for successful launching of a new fast food restaurant in Minnesota. The data discussed in this business plan is based on some certain facts and has been collected through number of sources. A careful attempt has been made to present real time data, however, this information may change at any time due to occurrence of any changes in the target market, and thus the actual outcomes may differ from the projected results. Generation of revenue and profit is the main purpose of any organization and same will be for Minnesota Fast Food Restaurant. Since it’s a service provider unit, therefore, customer service is the base of its existence. Our aim is to become the first choice of the customers and make them staying with us again and again. We believe in PEARL as our core value i.e. MFFR will operate its business by keeping a target market of very general nature in front of it because Cottage Grove is a small area having a population of only 34,589 in 2010 census According to the census conducted in 2000, there were 9,932 households and 8,462 families living in the Cottage Grove. Our restaurant will address the youth population, between ages 18 to 44 years, as its target market because it is 41.8% of the total population. Population under 18 is almost 32.7% of the total population (Census Redistricting Data, 2010). In Cottage Grove, the per capita income for the city was $28,348 in 2009 ( The market behavior of US fast food industry is interesting and it has been observed that generally three types of orders are placed in fast food restaurant. These orders are placed with respect to nature of group and family. The figure shown as Appendix-I indicates that lunch and dinner items are having a larger share of the market as 29% of the US fast food industry consists of it. Snack items and
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Mitigation of Health Risk of Women at Child-Bearing Age
Mitigation of Health Risk of Women at Child-Bearing Age Mitigation of Health Risk of Women at Child-Bearing Age Through Nutritional Patterns – Strategy Assumptions Basic assumptions for above mentioned Research The Research uses the findings of three own epidemiological surveys carried out in 1991, 1993, 2000 on nutritional pattern and nutritional status of pregnant and non-pregnant women at child-bearing age, which contain a lot of representative features on a national scale, for the development of strategy on further research in the surveyed area during second and third decade of 21st century. The findings were used as a inputs for development of preliminary diagnosis of current status and as assumptions for the strategy of modern research on early nutritional health risks of pregnant and non-pregnant women at child-bearing age. The Poland lacks diagnosis that would be based on representative national survey of women population falling into 15-49 age category with the application of all necessary methods used in descriptive, analytical and molecular epidemiology. The diagnosis seems to be indispensable. It was proven that in the last several decades most of nutrients served in the right quantities and proportions strengthen definitely the health condition of woman at child-bearing age and her foetus as well as genome stability. Own surveys of the author in this field are one of the most representative on a national scale in the last several decades. The dataset of 3177 all-day diets coming from three own surveys on nutritional pattern and anthropometric measurements of the nutritional status of non-pregnant women at child-bearing age collected in 1991-2000 and dataset of 1472 all-day diets of pregnant women are the most numerous of all surveys published in the last 25 years. The major lessons drawn from the preliminary diagnosis are as follows: * Substantiation that high percentage (>50.0% of all-day diet dataset) with the energy from total fats (above 35%) is chronic and was found out in each of the carried out surveys both in pregnant and non-pregnant women subpopulations. *It was proven that in the last survey it was accompanied by definite deficiency of long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Far higher-than-tolerated (up to 7% of energy from all-day diet) was the share of energy from saturated fatty acids. This enhances unambiguously in the surveyed population a risk of lipid management disturbances, a risk of cardio-vascular system diseases and a risk of diabetes type 2 and obesity. * The sodium intake from all-day diet was proven to be twice as high as Adequate Intake (AI), in predominant number of all-day diets, both in pregnant and non-pregnant women subpopulations. It should be noted that sodium is one of highly significant diet-related risks causing, inter alia, hypertension. *The lower-than-recommended iodine content was found out in the diets (mainly in the diets of pregnant women population), thus enhancing a risk of thyroid gland malfunctions, and in the foetus and infant populations – also physical and mental disorders. *Low iron content was discovered in the diets of pregnant women, which is conducive to enhancement of anaemia risk caused by iron deficiency. It enhances risk of premature birth, low body mass at birth and reduced infant health condition. Iron deficiency during pregnancy reduces its reserves for the foetus and in the first year of life, and also has adverse impact on further development of infant and in subsequent years of life. * For the population of women at child-bearing age evidence was found of lower than adequate intake (AI) from diet, on a population scale: D vitamin, proven by analytical testing, during multi-site clinical tests, published in 2012. The findings also confirm high risk of bone mineral management disorders, development of rickets in children population and growing risk of osteoporosis development in middle aged population. *For non-pregnant and pregnant child-bearing women subpopulations the lower-than-adequate intake (AI) of calcium from diet was discovered, which given specifically low D vitamin content and high phosphorous content in food enhances risk of mineral management disorders, including in particular bone structure, as well as probable increase of obesity prevalence, caused by the deficiency of nutrient in question. During the first decade of 21st century the situation most probably did not change. *Lower-than-adequate intake (AI) from food, on a population scale, was discovered for: dietary fibre, mainly in the diets of non-pregnant women, which by all means enhances the risk of abdominal obesity and diabetes of type 2. *Far lower-than-recommended folates content in the diets of Polish women at child-bearing age was discovered. Additionally in some diets low content of riboflavin, B6 and B12 vitamins was discovered. The folate deficiencies found out in the diets of Polish women enhance a risk of neural tube defects in infant population and they also enhance a risk of genome stability disorders. *Ten nutritional health risks listed above for the population of women at child-bearing age were paralleled by growing prevalence of obesity, mainly in the surveyed women falling into 45+ age category: a percentage of obese women in the 15–44age category rose insignificantly (from6.4% in 1991 to 7.8% in 2000), a percentage of obese women in the 45–49age category declined insignificantly (from21.1% to 20.5%), a percentage of obese women above 50 years of age, also found out in the population surveys in question, rose significantly in statistical terms (from27.7% to 33.9%) (p = 0.074); Prevalence of 3rd degree of obesity in the overall population of adult women rose from 0.2% in 1991 to 0.9% in 2000 (p = 0.001) in the population of 2725 women surveyed in 1991 the obesity was found out in 10.1% of the surveyed, whereas in 2000in the population of 1695 women, in the same age bracket, obesity was found out in a significantly higher (p The presented findings of three surveys carried out in the population of women at child bearing age with the application of only descriptive epidemiology methods, with underrepresentation of samples, with parallel discovery of many flaws in nutritional pattern and nutritional status, give legitimacy to the conduct of a survey, that has not been conducted so far, with the application of descriptive, analytical and molecular methods. The inevitability of such approach to the survey with random sample selection on a nation-wide basis is indicated by the state-of-the-art in the fields of mother and foetus medicine, epigenetics and nutrigenomics. Based on survey findings the following conclusions were drawn: ** The found out, aforementioned most probably prevailing, modifiable, nutritional health and current nutritional status risks in the subpopulations of surveyed non-pregnant and pregnant women at child-bearing age is probably a material dataset of characteristics enhancing a risk of occurrence of homeostasis disorders, threatening the physiological course of pregnancy and the maintenance of health of foetus, infant and child in consecutive decades of her/his life. **Overweight and obesity, with growing prevalence with age, enhances probably in the population of non-pregnant women a risk of chronic, low level inflammation conducive, as shown by the analysis of bibliography, to the occurrence of insulin resistance, diabetes of type 2, damage of blood vessels’ endothelium, development of metabolic syndrome, congenital anomalies, and also through, inter alia, cytokines also probable genome stability disorders. A decisive increase of prevalence of obesity in Poland was recorded mainly in the population of women in the 44+ age category. The prevalence of overweight and obesity in the population of Polish women at child-bearing population may probably grow in decades to come due to, inter alia, disadvantageous demographic situation and insufficient efficiency of health-oriented changes in lifestyle of this subpopulation of women. Intervention measures applied have to be more effective than to date and they should start, at least, one year before fertilization. **The analysis of current state of knowledge, based on survey findings, on early prevention of diet-related diseases (on a population scale) leads to a fundamental conclusion that molecular epidemiology, using methods applied, inter alia, in functional genomics and in epigenetics, should be introduced to diagnose health condition of women at child-bearing age as a tool with the same value as descriptive and analytical epidemiology methods. The molecular epidemiology investigating, inter alia, the susceptibility of genes to food-related conditions, seems to be an irreplaceable tool in the early diagnosis of health condition of women population described in this monograph. The collected and processed in a complementary fashion survey findings in each of the three disciplines should lay foundations for taking early interventions in the field of preventive measures and early secondary measures counteracting health disorders and diet-related diseases caused by faulty nutritional pattern, in both distinguished physiological conditions. The parallel implementation of measures and methods in the three aforementioned areas, in appropriate proportions, in the field of epidemiological studies on nutritional pattern and nutritional status of surveyed non-pregnant and pregnant women population, in order to strengthen effectively this part of public health system, seems to arouse interest of the Ministry of Science and the Ministry of Health or their counterparts in most European Union Members States, and the interest of EFSA. **A number of material detailed findings, from cognitive and application perspectives, is provided in the individual sections of monograph.
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